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The history of Eyarkon Kalikkama Nayanar

In the fertile Chozha kingdom, is the town Tiruperumangalam, lush with green fields. The town appeared like Kailasha itself with constant chants of the holy names of the Greatest Lord. In that blessed town was born the brilliant general of the state army, Kalikkamar, in the tradition of Eyar. Bedecked with the glittering gem of affection for that Almighty, he served the devotees of Lord Nilakanta with delight and humility. He rendered excellent services to the Lord, the Giver of refuge, at the temple in the town of Tiruppunkur.

Eyarkon kalikkama Nayanar - The History of Eyarkon kalikkama NayanarEyarkon learnt about the great devotee Sundarar, who never pleaded with anyone but instead directly asked the Lord for everything he wanted. For Sundarar, the Lord went as messenger to his wife Paravaiyar. Hearing, Eyarkon Kalikkamar, was appalled, and roared in fury - "What slavery is this? How dare a slave command the Master! That too for consoling a lady! What a sin! How is that even after hearing this deed I am alive? How did the servitor not hesitate to ask for such a favour?! What will happen if he ever appears before me?" His love for the Lord was so great that it hurt him like the thorns on the streets of Tiruvarur that had pricked the soft feet of his Lord as He walked between the homes of Sundarar and Paravaiyar. He sought an answer for this and pleaded with the Lord every day.

While the God of gods enjoyed the two contrasting and unparalleled love of both Sundarar and Eyarkon, He wanted to show Eyarkon the sincerity in the love and service of Sundarar. Suddenly, Eyakon was gripped by soolai (a terrible stomach affliction). Unable to bear the pain, held the feet of the Dancing Lord and cried. The Lord revealed that it could not be cured by anybody other than Sundarar. Disappointed, Eyarkon cried out, "Oh Lord, what travesty! Generation after generation we put all our trust in you alone, we depend only on you, we worship only you as our only Master, but now somebody who asked You to work for him is going to heal this illness?! What a pity! In that case I will prefer this torture." "Oh Grace! You set the position of Sundarar right!", he lamented. Obscuring Himself from Eyarkon, the Lord went to Sundarar and asked him to cure the soolai. Saluting the Lord obediently, Sundarar sent a message to Eyarkon and started towards his town.


Eyarkon writhing in pain, frustrated at the Lord's words, heard with gloom that Sundarar was on his way to cure him. He did not want to be healed by Sundarar and decided that before his arrival, he would end his pain. Using a sword to rip his own stomach, he ended his life, freeing himself from the dreaded soolai! His loving wife who was about to sacrifice herself as well, heard that Sundarar had reached their residence. Serving the devotees was top of the mind even in her grief-stricken state. That gem among women forbade others from crying or showing any sign of loss. She hid the body of her beloved husband and went forward to welcome the saint with all the auspicious objects. Accepting their warm welcome with a smiling face, Sundarar  entered the house and sat down. He quickly conveyed his anxiety and eagerness to cure the painful disease of the devotee Eyarkon. As per the instructions of his wife, the people there told him that Eyarkon was doing alright and was resting inside. But Sundarar insisted on seeing Eyarkon. Unable to dissuade him, they took him to see Eyarkon lying dead in a pool of blood.

The true devotee Sundarar, who had immense devotion towards the Lord and His devotees, which he alluded to in many of his devarams referring to himself as the servitor of the servitors of Gangadhara, was stricken with gloom on seeing the devotee’s body and hearing about his determination. He then raised the dagger to end his life too. At that moment, by the act of that Merciful Lord, Eyarkon was suddenly restored to life and he leapt to stop Sundarar – thus realizing his own true love for Sundarar. Sundarar fell at Eyarkon's feet. Eyarkon Kalikkamar reciprocated by falling at his feet. The world wondered and praised this marvel. Who could command the Omniscient, for whom the earth became the chariot, the Sun and Moon the wheels, the mountain the bow, Lord Vishnu the arrow and the entire host of Devas in service, burning the three demons just with a smile? It was because of the untainted and eternal love of Sundarar that the Lord out of His mercy went as a messenger. Hail to the Lord whose grace is unlimited! 

With friendship blossoming between the two devotees, they praised the Lord with matted locks at Tiruppunkur. Sundarar sang with devotion the devaram “Andanalan” praising the grace of the Lord and the greatness of Eyarkon. They then stayed together for a few days in Tiruvarur worshiping the Mighty in the ant-hill. Later Eyarkon Kalikkamar returned to his town to serve the Lord and finally attained the feet of the Lord. Let the caring love and adoration for the Lord of golden-hue that Eyarkon Kalikkamar Nayanar had stay in the mind.

The devaram sung at Tiruppunkur by Sundarar, also mentions one interesting detail about this great devotee. Eyarkon Kalikkamar donated a large amount of land to the service of God, for the benefit of the people on an occasion when there was a drought. As a result it rained so much that it caused a flood. Then Kalikkamar gave another 12 Veli measure of land to Lord Shiva to prevent flooding due to the excess rain. God accepted this offering too and blessed him.

Guru Pooja: Ani / Revati or Mithuna / Revati
Har Har Mahadev

See also:
1. Sundara Murthi Nayanar

2. Mankkanjara Nayanar

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