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The God Rescued Nakkiran From The Tank


While Narkiran was thus remaining in the tank, his associates were much afflicted and went in a body to the presence of the god, whom they implored to have mercy on the presumptuous critic. Moved by their supplications, the god, together with the goddess, was pleased to appear on the edge of the tank; and beholding Narikiran with a favourable eye, his body again became cool, and he came out of the tank, confessing his fault in having intimated a blasphemy against the goddess dwelling in the Siva temple at Kailastri, (there named Nayana Pungothai) and chanted a strain, to the effect, that the goddess of Kailastri and the goddess of Kailasa were one and the same; he added another chant of seven harmonies, and was dismissed, being fully pardoned. The packet of gold was given to Termi, and other gifts were added by the king, named Sembagamara Pandian, who continued a prosperous reign.


siva rescued nakkIran


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