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Om - Udgita - Significance of Om from Chandogya upanishad

Prayer of the Day

Om Prayer from Chandogya Upanishad

ओमित्येत-दक्षर-मुद्गीत-मुपासीत ओमिति ह्युद्गायति तस्योपव्याख्यानम् ॥ १.१ ॥


Hymn as Romanized text




omityeta-dakShara-mudgIta-mupAsIta omiti hyudgAyati tasyopavyAkhyAnam || 1.1 ||




Meaning of the Prayer Hymn:


 Om this letter, which is called the udgiita shall be worshipped!

Om, thus the singing is done! Hereafter, Its exposition!!




1. The praNava mantra (Om) is also called as udgIta (meaning one that is sung).

2. Om is the ultimate mantra, which is the nAda rUpa of Lord shiva,

shall be worshipped as the Lord Himself! Om and namaHshivAya are the

two most significant mantras for the worshippers.

3. Om is not just for chanting, it is for singing and hence it is called udgIta.

(That provides the peace! Relate to the song of Sambandhar where he calls the

devotees to sing in devotion the namaHshivAya mantra)

4. Vedas are chanted only after singing Om. Especially practitioners of sAmavEda are

called utgAta.

5. Hereafter Its exposition!!

See Also: 
1. Pranava (Om) mantra

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