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Why worship in youth ?

திருநாவுக்கரசர் தேவாரம்
தலம்    திருவலஞ்சுழி
ஐந்தாம் திருமுறை


இளைய காலம் எம்மானை யடைகிலாத் 
துளையிலாச் செவித் தொண்டர்காள் நும்முடல் 
வளையுங் காலம் வலஞ்சுழி யீசனைக் 
களைகணாகக் கருதி நீர் உய்ம்மினே. 


thirunAvukkararcar thEvAram
thalam     thiruvalanycuzi
ainthAm thirumuRai


iLaiya kAlam emmAnai aDaikilAth
\thuLaiyilAc cevith thoNDarkAL n^ummuDal
vaLaiyum kAlam valanycuzi Icanaik
kaLaikaNAkak karuthi n^Ir uymminE.


Explanation of song:

Oh the ones in service still do not have the hole in the ear
(to listen good things), not reaching out in the youth 
to our Lord ! While your body is flexible, consider 
the God at thiruvalanychuzi as the sanctuary and get uplifted.

1. "Why should one waste the joyful youth in the divine thinking.
One can do that in later parts of life" is a typical excuse of the 
ignorants. appar as the saint guiding the people, warns of the
syndrome. When all the energy is dissipated in the youth in 
pursuing scattered things which later turns out to be worthless,
there would be neither focus nor energy to attempt that. 
Essentially it would be a great opportunity wasted.


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