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What to we do when in deep trouble?

திருநாவுக்கரசர் தேவாரம்
தலம்    பொது
பண்    காந்தார பஞ்சமம்
நான்காம் திருமுறை


இடுக்கண் பட்டு இருக்கினும் இரந்து யாரையும்
விடுக்கில் பிரானென்று வினவுவோம் அல்லோம்
அடுக்கல் கீழ்க் கிடக்கினும் அருளி நாமுற்ற
நடுக்கத்தைக் கெடுப்பது நமச்சிவாயவே.


thirun^Avukkaracar thEvAram
thalam     common
paN     kAn^thAra panjcamam
n^AnkAm thirumuRai


iDukkaN paTTu irukkinum iran^thu yAraiyum
viDukkil pirAnenRu vinavuvOm allOm
aDukkal kIzk kiDappinum aruLi n^AmuRRa
n^aDukkaththaik keDuppathu n^amaccivAyavE.


Even if we are in troubled state, we would not 
beg anybody else as, "oh Lord !".
Even if pressed under layers of rock,
namaccivAya is the thing that would bless
and destroy the horror that we got into.

1. It came from the right time and the right mouth
for us to look up for as example and guideline.
Having given all potential fatal sufferings to appar,
the opponents threw him into the sea bound to a 
rock. In that extremity if he renounced shaivism
he would get spared by the opponents. He didn't.
When the Supreme God's presence is realized
why would he succumb to the pressure of the mortals
to renounce the Supreme ? Lord shiva is there and
Its Holy Five Syllables are there to hold on to.
He held it strong and he was safely in shore and
the opponents into the ocean of self-distrust.
c.f. iDukkaN paDinum eLi van^tha ceyyAr
    n^aDukkaRRa kATchi yavar. - kuRaL
2. iDukkaN - hurdle; iran^thu - begging.

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