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Uncultivated mind and God

திருநாவுக்கரசர் தேவாரம்
தலம்   :  திருப்புகலூர்
பண்    :  இந்தளம்
நான்காம் திருமுறை


பெருந்தாழ் சடைமுடிமேற் பிறை சூடிக்
கருந் தாழ்குழலியும் தாமும் கலந்து
திருந்தா மனமுடையார் திறத்து என்றும்
பொருந்தார் புகலூர்ப் புரிசடையாரே.


thirun^Avukkaracar thEvAram
thalam     thiruppukalUr
paN     in^thaLam
n^AnkAm thirumuRai


perun^thAz caDaimuDimEl piRai cUDik
karun^thAz kuzaliyum thAmum kalan^thu
thirun^thA manamuDaiyAr thiRaththu enRum
porun^thAr pukalUrp puricaDaiyArE.


On the long low lying matted hair, wearing the cresent,
united with black long plaited lady,
in the side of those whose minds doesn't get corrected
the Twined Matted Haired Lord of pukalUr does not stay.

1. There are certain sections of purANas, that state that 
this should be told only to those who have good devotion.
Why is the restriction ? Isn't the knowledge for all ?
The problem is that for those who do not know to appreciate
the greatness of certain things giving such things are useless
and at times demeaning the glory of the thing being given.
The classic example is the garland in the hands of a monkey.
   Would it not mean denial of information that are vital for 
the individual ? This should not happen. The individual who
would like to receive such information should be brought up
to the stage where the person is able to accept and appreciate
the value of the thing and then provided with the same. This
is one of the great thing about guru. (S)He does not just
pump information on to the disciple, but gives the information
only after the student has been groomed to accept the same.
   When devoid of reluctance, inertia and the like shortcomings,
one seeks the God, there He stays with the consort shakti,
by His own grace.

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