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Only They Match them !

திருத்தொண்டர் புராணம்
பன்னிரண்டாம் திருமுறை
தடுத்தாட்கொண்ட புராணம்


பெருமையால் தம்மை ஒப்பார்; பேணலால் எம்மைப் பெற்றார்;
ஒருமையால் உலகை வெல்வார்; ஊனமேல் ஒன்றும் இல்லார்;
அருமையாம் நிலையில் நின்றார்; அன்பினால் இன்பம் ஆர்வார்;
இருமையும் கடந்து நின்றார்; இவரை நீ அடைவாய் என்று


thiruththoNDar purANam
twelth thirumuRai
thaDuththAT koNDa purANam


perumaiyAl thammai oppAr; pENalAl emmaip peRRAr;
orumaiyAl ulagai velvAr; UnamEl onRum illAr;
arumaiyAm n^ilaiyil n^inRAr; anbinAl inbam ArvAr;
irumaiyum kaDan^thu n^inRAr; ivarai n^I aDaivAy enRu


"In the glory they are comparable only to themselves;
By way of honoring they got Me;
Due to the focus they could win this world;
They are the ones with no shortcomings;
They stand at the stage hard to achieve;
The bliss they enjoy is out of their love;
They stand beyond both (life on earth and the one after death);
Here, you get to them", so said (the God).

1. sundharar on seeing the dEvAciriya hall filled with
devotees whose hearts are filled with love for God,
not having courage even to worship them (!) pleaded
to God, how he can understand and hail their glory.
The God, Who had made sundharar to be born on earth
to give us the great flawless thiruththoNDaththokai,
told their glory to sundharar. Not just that, Lord gave
the first line for sundharar (thillai vAz an^thaNar tham
aDiyArkkum aDiyEn), to start hailing the devotees.
2. irumaiyum kaDan^thu n^inRAr - though the permanent
stay at the abode of Lord shiva is the liberation after
the life on this earth, is the goal one need to have,
these devotees who have been liberated on this earth
itself of all their bonds and stay ever with the God
mentally, they have surpassed the benefits that the
earthly and the other life offer !
c.f. kUDum anbinil kumbiDalE anRi 
     vIDum vENDA viRalin viLaN^ginAr - periya purANam

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