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Hunch and Blind

நம்பியாண்டார் நம்பி அருளிய திருத்தொண்டர் திருவந்தாதி
பதினோராம் திருமுறை


கூற்றுக்கு எவனோ புகல் திருவாரூரன் பொன்முடிமேல்
ஏற்றுத் தொடையலும் இன் அடைக்காயும் இடு தருமக்
கோற்றொத்து கூனனும் கூன் போய்க் குருடனும் கண் பெற்றமை
சாற்றித் திரியும் பழமொழியாம் இத்தரணியிலே.


n^ambiyANDAr n^ambi aruLiya thiruththoNDar thiruvan^thAthi
pathinOrAm thirumuRai


kURRukku evanO pukal thiruvArUran ponmuDimEl
ERRuth thoDaiyalum in aDaikkAyum iDu dharumak
kORRoththu kUnanum kUn pOyk kuruDanum kaN peRRamai
cARRith thiriyum pazamoziyAm iththaraNiyilE.


Explanation of song:

Where is the refuge for death? "Offering matching garland
for the golden hair and thAmbUlam to cundharamUrthi
nAyanAr, thus hanging on to the stick of justice,
a hunched person got straightened and a blind got sight"
- this is an adage that is often told in this earth.

1. There were two people one with a hunch and other without
eyesight. Together they used to make garlands for cundharar 
and bring thAmbUlam for him. When God came to cundharar's
home to become messenger to paravaiyAr, just by their association
with cundharar and service to him, they got the grace of God
and their shortcomingd hunched back and eyesight became alright.
2. cEkkizAr mentions this as follows
thEnum kuzalum pizaiththa thirumoziyAL pulavi thIrkka mathi
thAnum paNiyum pakaithIrkkum caDaiyAr thUthu tharum thirun^AL
kUnum kuruDum thIrththu Eval koLvAr kulavu malarppAtham 
yAnum pravaith thIrkkinREn Ezu piRappin muDaN^ku kUn.
3. As the world knows this adage (and will get into making
devotion towards cundharar), nambi asks, "where will the
death run away from the earth and hide itself?!"
4. thoDaiyal - garland; aDaikkAi - thAmbUlam.

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