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Transliteration scheme followed in the Shaivism Pages

Do you see some control characters and ^ symbols on the screen ? Are you confused with the words rippling with lower and upper case letters in the pages ? These are because of the transliteration scheme used in these pages to produce the words which are natively non-English to be produced in the English alphabets allowing everybody to read them at the same time preserving their phonotic in their original Language.

The transliteration followed in these pages are quite similar to ITRANS (in fact same as some of the earlier versions). This scheme is a proposition to transliterate Indian Language words into roman text in such a way that the people of other languages also would be able to pronunce (/produce) the same way.

In these pages as much as possible the transliteration table corresponding to the original language of the word/context is followed (i.e. Sanskrit transliteration table for Sanskrit words, Tamil table for Tamil words .....), but quite often this rule is broken for convenience (!). The following are the tables indicating the scheme.

Sanskrit Table

Vowels (dependent and independent):
a      aa/A    i      ii/I     u       uu/U 
RRi/R^i    RRI/R^I       LLi/L^i    LLI/L^I
e      ai        o      au         aM      aH

k     kh     g     gh     ~N
ch    Ch     j     jh     ~n
T     Th     D     Dh     N
t     th     d     dh     n
p     ph     b     bh     m
y     r      l     v / w
sh    shh/Sh     s     h      L
x / kSh     GY / j~n / dny     shr

Consonants with a nukta (dot) under them (mainly for Urdu devanagari):
k  with a dot:      q
kh with a dot:      K
g  with a dot:      G
j  with a dot:      z / J
p  with a dot:      f
D  with a dot:      .D
Dh with a dot:      .Dh

Anusvara:       .n / M / .m  (dot on top of previous consonant/vowel)
Avagraha:       .a    (`S' like symbol basically to replace a after o)
Ardhachandra:   .c    (for vowel sound as in english words `cat' or `talk')
Chandra-Bindu:  .N    (chandra-bindu on top of previous letter)
Halant:         .h    (to get half-form of the consonant - no vowel - virama)
Visarga:        H     (visarga - looks like a colon character)
Om:             OM, AUM (Om symbol)


Tamil Table

Vowels :
a      aa/A    i      ii/I     u       uu/U 
e      ee/E	ai        o      oo/O	au         

k/g    ch    t/T/d/D    th/dh     p/b    R
N^    ^ny/~n    n         n^       m      N
y      r        l        v/w        z      L

Aydha ezuththu:

Extra letters:
sh	Sh	h	x/ksh	j

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