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Rathantra Sama Mantra - The Celebrated Samam

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Rig Veda

ऋषि    :    मैत्रावरुणिर्वसिष्टः
दॆवता    :    इन्द्रः
छन्दस्    :    प्रगाथः

अ॒भि त्वा॑ शूर नॊनु॒मॊऽदु॑ग्धा इव धॆ॒नव॑ः ।
ईशा॑नम॒स्य जग॑तः स्व॒र्दृश॒मीशा॑नमिन्द्र त॒स्थुषः॑ ॥ ७.३२.२२ ॥

Mantra as Romanized text

RuShi    :    maitrAvaruNirvasiShTaH
dEvatA    :    IndraH
Chandas    :    pragAthaH


abhi tvA shUra nOnumO&dugdhA iva dhEnavaH |
IshAnamasya jagataH svardRushamIshAnamindra tasthuShaH || 7.32.22 ||

(abhi tvA shUra nO numaH adugdhA iva dhEnavaH |
IshAnam asya jagataH svardRusham IshAnam indra tasthuShaH || )


Meaning of the Prayer Mantra:

 Oh the Valiant Lord! We salute You, like the cows full with milk.
You are the Master of everything that moves.
You have the vision of everything.
You are the Master and King of all that does not move!


1. abhi - to; shUra - valiant; svardRusha - seeing everything; 
jagataH - moving; tasthu - stationary.

2. This mantra is sung as the very famous Rutantara Sama.
This is hailed in the Yajur veda itself as "Bruhat Rutantaram cha me"

3.  अदु॑ग्धा इव धॆ॒नव॑ः
Like the cows full with milk. 
The cows full with milk look for the calf in love to feed them.
The same way the devotee of looking for the Lord to shower
all the devotion he/she can on the Lord. This is how the worship
should happen.

c.f. a) तद्वॊ॑ गाय सु॒तॆ सचा॑ पुरुहू॒ताय॒ सत्व॑नॆ । 
शं यद्गवॆ॒ न शाकिनॆ॑ ॥ ६.४५.२२ ॥

  b) "கன்றை நினைந்தெழு தாயென வந்த கணக்கது ஆகாதே?" - திருவாசகம்


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