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Presence of UdgIta everywhere - Significance of Om from Chandogya upanishad

Prayer of the Day

Om Prayer from Chandogya Upanishad

स एष रसानाँ रसतमः परमः परार्ध्योऽष्टमो यदुद्गीतः ।३।

Hymn as Romanized text


sa eSha rasAnA~M rasatamaH paramaH parArdhyo&ShTamo yadudgItaH |3|


Meaning of the Prayer Hymn:

This udgIta is the essense of the essences! Supreme!
Highest goal! The eight fold!


1. rasAnA~M rasatamaH
PraNava or UdgIta is the essence of everything, as explained in the 
previous verse of this upanishad.
2. ardhya - to be accomplished.
3. aShTamaH
udgIta is the one that stands in the eight things.
The eight things are - earth, water, fire, air, space, sun, moon
and soul. God is resident in all these eight. Hence Lord
shiva is hailed as "aShTa mUrti". 
Appar refers to this eightfold forms of the Lord
See Also: 

1. Pranava (Om) mantra


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