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Prayer for Austerity

சுந்தரர் திருப்பாட்டு
தலம்    திருத்துறையூர்
பண்    தக்கராகம்
ஏழாம் திருமுறை


மட்டார் மலர்க்கொன்றையும் வன்னியும் சாடி
மொட்டாரக் கொணர்ந்து எற்றியோர் பெண்ணை வடபால்
கொட்டாட்டொடு பாட்டொலி ஒவாத் துறையூர்ச்
சிட்டா உனை வேண்டிக் கொள்வேன் தவநெறியே


cun^tharar thiruppATTu
thalam     thiruththuRaiyuR        
paN    thakkarAgam
EzAm thirumuRai


maTTAr malark konRaiyum vanniyum cADi
moTTArak koNarn^dhu eRRiyOr peNNai vaDapAl
koTTATToDu pATToli OvAth thuRaiyUrc
ciTTA unai vENDik koLvEn thavan^eRiyE


Gushing along vanni and konRai flowers rich in honey,
peNNai river showers along with buds in the north bank, 
where the dance to the rhythm of drums and the music
of the songs does not stop, oh Excellent Lord of such 
thiruththuRaiyUr, I would plead for the path of austerity.

1. cundharar led married life. How could his life be said austerely ?
Austerity is not all about staying in forests eating 
leaves and sitting amidst fire. It is the perseverance in
cleansing the soul and sticking to the motto is the way
to the Supreme, irrespective of what trouble come in the way.
   "pizaippanAgilum thiruvaDip pizaiyEn
    vazukki vIzinum thiruppeyar allAl maRRu n^An aRiyEn maRumARRam"
are his own words. That too these were sung at the time when
he was fully distressed losing the sight on both the eyes.
Isn't that the great example of austerity ?
2. maTTu - honey; cADi - dashing on; OvA - unceasing;
ciTTan - excelling one.

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