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Is Temple Worship Important?

திருநாவுக்கரசர் தேவாரம்
தலம்     பொது
ஆறாம் திருமுறை


திருக்கோயி லில்லாத திருவி லூருந் 
    திருவெண்ணீ றணியாத திருவி லூரும் 
பருக்கோடிப் பத்திமையாற் பாடா வூரும் 
    பாங்கினொடு பலதளிக ளில்லா வூரும் 
விருப்போடு வெண்சங்க மூதா வூரும் 
    விதானமும் வெண்கொடியு மில்லா வூரும் 
அருப்போடு மலர்பறித்திட் டுண்ணா வூரும் 
    அவையெல்லாம் ஊரல்ல அடவி காடே.


thirunAvukkararcar thEvAram
thalam     pothu
ARAm thirumuRai


thirukkOyil illAtha thiruvil Urum
    thiruveNNIRu aNiyAtha thiruvil Urum
parukkODip paththimaiyAR pADA Urum
    pAN^ginODu palathaLikaL illA Urum
viruppODu veNcaN^gam UthA Urum
    vithAnamum veNkoDiyum illA Urum
aruppODu malarpaRiththiTTu uNNA Urum
    avaiyellAm Uralla aDavi kADE.


Translation of song:

Unholy town without abode of God,
unholy town where holy ash is not worn;
town where there is no devotional singing bowing down,
town where there are not many well built temples,
town where the white conch is not blown,
town where there is no roof (tower above sanctum) and white flag,
town where buds and flowers are not offered (to God) before food,
those are not town, but are (uninhabitable) forests.

1. Though personal worship is great, it is highly
important to do the external congregational worship.
Importance of temples cannot be understated any time.
The external markings are also very important even 
when the focus is on internal maturity. The great saints 
having achieved the path to Bliss do not stop there.
They go temple after temples, they do what is possible
through their mortal instruments to uplift the other souls.
But for the initial helping hand by such sages, starting 
from the Supreme Itself that showed the way of worship,
how can one progress in spirituality? Rejoicing in Bliss,
they serve as, "nyAnam Ican pAl anbE" (Wisdom is love
for God). The ultimate (12th) sutra of shivanyAnabOdham
says the state of those who have attained
"mAlaRa n^Eyam malin^thavar vEDamum 
 Alayam thAnum aranenath thozumE"
2. parukkODi - bending the back; thaLi - temple;
vithAnam - roof; aDavi - forest.

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