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If not for protecting what else are You here for?

சுந்தரர் திருப்பாட்டு
தலம்    திருமுருகன்பூண்டி
பண்    பழம்பஞ்சுரம்
ஏழாம் திருமுறை


கொடுகு வெஞ்சிலை வடுக வேடுவர் 
    விரவலாமை சொல்லித்
திடுகு மொட்டெனக் குத்திக் கூறைகொண்டு
    ஆறலைக்கும் இடம்
முடுகு நாறிய வடுகர் வாழ்
    முருகன் பூண்டி மாநகர்வாய்
இடுகு நுண்ணிடை மங்கை தன்னொடும்
    எத்துக்கு இங்கிருந்தீர் எம்பிரானீரே.


cun^tharar thiruppATTu
thalam     thirumurugan pUNDi
paN    pazampanychuram
EzAm thirumuRai


koDugu venycilai vaDuga vEDuvar
  viravalAmai collith
thiDugu moTTenak kuththik kURaikoNDu
  ARalaikkum iDam
muDugu n^ARiya vaDugar vAz murugan
  pUNDi mAn^agarvAy
iDugu n^uNNiDai maN^gai thannoDum
  eththukku iN^girun^dhIr empirAnirE


Terrific hunters with bent wild bows, 
talking offensive language, shouting
"fast, attack", stabbing, under the 
veil robbing place is this. In the 
thirumurugan pUNDi where the stinky
terrific hunters live, for what purpose,
my Lord, do You stay with the slim waist
lady (if not for protecting devotees) ?

1. While God Himself a friend of cundharar,
he had the emperor of cEra kingdom as the 
other intimate friend. After staying with kazaRiRRu
aRivAr, he was returning with the loads of gifts
the emperor gave. cundharar had been getting 
whatever he wanted asking God. Now how could he
get from some other friend ? God's army came as 
hunters and robbed away the materials, while his
people were crossing murugan pUNDi. cundharar sang
this pathikam asking, "If You can't protect devotees,
for what purpose do You stay here ?" God now gave 
back all the material stolen. (now it is from His side !)
2. This pathikam is sung to get back the stolen 
material. (The complete pathikam )
3. koDuku - bent; venycilai - hard bow; 
viravalAmai - unspeakable; kURai - cloth; 
ARalaiththal - highway robbery; muDugu - stink.

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