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I want to live forever, when ...

திருநாவுக்கரசர் அருளிய தேவாரம்
தலம்    கோயில்
5-ம் திருமுறை


அன்னம் பாலிக்கும் தில்லைச் சிற்றம்பலம்
பொன்னம் பாலிக்கும் மேலுமிப் பூ மிசை
என் அம்பு ஆலிக்குமாறு கண்டின்புற
இன்னம் பாலிக்குமோ இப்பிறவியே.


thirunAvukkaracar aruLiya thEvAram
thalam    kOyil
5th thirumuRai


annam pAlikkum thillaic ciRRambalam
ponnam pAlikkum mElum ib bU micai
en ambu AlikkumARu kaNDu inbuRa
innam pAlikkumO ippRaviyE.


thillaith thiruchchiRRambalam, where annam is blessed,
will bless with the life in golden world (heaven);
Also on this earth, my love roars seeing and rejoicing.
Will this birth last even further (to enjoy this)?

1. annam pAlikkum can be interpreted in the following ways
  a. swan wandering - describing the picturesque thillai
surrounded by paddy fields where swans wander.
  b. blessing with food - the basic need of the body 
fulfilled at this holy abode - through mAhEshvara pUjai.
  c. providing liberation - Bliss - the food for the soul.
annam - cORu - Bliss.
c.f. pAthakamE cORu paRRinavA thOL n^Okkam - thiruvAcakam
2. "The darshan of the Dancing Lord at thillai thirucciRRambalam
not only provides a great life after the life on this earth, 
right here see how rejoicable is this sight of this Blissful Lord!
If it could be spent in rejoicing this Lord, can this life last forever?"
asks our saint. 
c.f. iniththamuDaiya eDuththa poRpAthamum kANappeRRAl
     maniththap piRaviyum vENDuvathE in^tha mAn^ilaththE - appar
3. For one who has achieved Bliss right here, where else
should the journey be planned to, to go and achieve the same.
c.f. vEdAhamEvam puruSham mahAntam Aditya varNam tamasaparastAt
     ..... tamEvam vidvAn amR^ita iha bhavati|| - Rig veda.
4. ponnam - life in golden world; bU - earth; 
ambu - anbu - m substituted for n (iDaippOli); 
pAlitthal - provide/ bless/ sustain, Aliththal - to roar.


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