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How to Avoid the Insecurity in Old Age?

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Kshetravenpa of Aiyadikal Kadavarkon Nayanar;
Eleventh Thirumurai

ஐயடிகள் காடவர்கோன் நாயனார் அருளிய க்ஷேத்திரத் திருவெண்பா;
பதினோறாம் திருமுறை


காளை வடிவொழிந்து கையுறவோடு ஐயுறவாய்
நாளும் அணுகி நலியாமுன் - பாளை
அவிழ்கமுகம் பூஞ்சோலை ஆரூரற்கு ஆளாய்க்
கவிழ்க முகம் கூம்புக என் கை.


Song as Romanized text
Aiyadikal Kadavarkon Aruliya Kshetra Thiruvenpa
Eleventh Thriumurai


kALai vadivozin-thu kaiyuRavOdu aiyuRavAy
n-ALum aNuki n-aliyAmun - pALai
avizkamukam pUnjchOlai ArUraRku ALAyk
kavizka mukam kUmpuka en kai.


Meaning of the Prayer Song:

 The youth in the form faded away;
Incapability and doubtfulness surmount;
The "day" nearing to distress
- Before getting to such situation,
may my face bow and hands fold
as the subject of the Lord of Thiruvarur
surrounded by floral gardens with
areca trees that open up in sheaths.


1. kaiyuRavu - incapable; aiyuRavu - doubtful;
kamukam - areca.

2.  kaiyuRavOdu aiyuRavAy
As the youth fades away, the instruments of the body
become weak and incapability sets in. What follows is the
doubting nature that stems from the own incapability.

3. When one has surrendered to Lord Shiva long before
getting to such situation, the feeling of staying secure in the
refuge of the Supreme sets in, which is independent of
physical, financial nature etc. So, one can continue to be Blissful.

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