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Get a Glimpse of God and the way He blesses in this four line song!

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Sampandhar Dhevaram 


திருநாவுக்கரசர் அருளிய தேவாரம்
தலம்    :    பொது
பண்    :    காந்தார பஞ்சமம்
நான்காம் திருமுறை

நமச்சிவாயத் திருப்பதிகம்


சலமிலன் சங்கரன்; சார்ந்தவர்க்கு அல்லால்
நலமிலன்; நாள்தொறும் நல்குவான் நலன்;
குலமிலராகிலும் குலத்துக்கு ஏற்பதோர்
நலமிகக் கொடுப்பது நமச்சிவாயவே


Song as Romanized text

Thirunavukkarasar  aruLiya thEvAram
thalam    :    Common
paN    :    Gandhara Panchamam
Fourth thirumuRai

Namachivaya Thirupathikam


salamilan sangkaran; sArn-thavarkku allAl
n-alamilan; n-ALthoRum n-alkuvAn n-alan;
kulamilarAkilum kulaththukku ERpathOr
n-alamikak koduppathu n-amassivAyavE


Meaning of the Prayer Song:

 The Meritorious God (Shankara) is devoid of perturbations;
He does not serve the purpose for those who have not resorted to Him;
He always blesses with welfare;
Even if one is not in the good association,
"Namahshivaya" mantra will still give great benefits,
as appropriate to that state!


1. salam - perturbation.

2. This is an excellent song to meditate upon to get a glimpse
of the nature of God and the way He blesses us.

3. The word "Shankara" is a key in the whole song.
This name of Lord Shiva means "Doer of good" or Meritorious.
This whole song is about how the Supreme gives good to us.
How nicely that great name has aptly stayed in the song!

4.  சலமிலன் சங்கரன் 
Shankara is beyond perturbations.
Perturbations can be various - anger, desire, hate and so on.
The Supreme is ever in the Bliss. It never ever abarrates
from Its Blissful state.
One may question, "In that case, how can the Supreme take the
Vega and Bhoga forms mentioned in the Maheshwara Murthams?"
It should be remembered that all these forms are only facades of the Lord
that He took for us to easily relate to based on our inclinations and states.

5.  சார்ந்தவர்க்கு அல்லால் நலமிலன் 
This may appear counter to the whole concept of Meritorious Lord.
However, only with this the meritoriousness of the God can be understood.

Is God Meritorious? Yes, sure. In fact Lord Shiva is Gracious beyond limits
and this is one of the eight great attributes of God.

Is God impartial? Does God bless everyone without segregating souls
as whom He likes or dislikes?
God is always impartial. There is no single soul that gets into the dislike
list of God. (If God has a dislike or hate, then God Itself would not be in the
state of Bliss and there is no point in seeking Bliss from God, 
Who Himself needs liberation from hate :-) )

Then what is meant here? God like the rain showers the Grace
to all. However, if you keep the vessel upside down, no water would stay.
The same way, only the people who tune themselves to resort to Lord Shiva
reap the benefit of the association of the Supreme - that is Eternal Bliss.
How much ever we tune ourselves to Him, that much we get the benefit.
If we don't, God is useless for us - as the atheistic philosophies get stuck with.

6.  நாள்தொறும் நல்குவான் நலன் 
This emphasizes the ever Meritorious nature of God.
What if we reach out to God seeking the Bliss and at one
fine day, He decides to not provide the Bliss?
No, it never happens that way. The nature of God is to always
shower the Grace without seeking any favor in return. 
Once the soul loses its identity consciousness in the Grace of God
(the state of advaita), God never leaves it.
c.f. a. கலந்தபின் பிரிவதில்லை - அப்பர்
  b. "na sa punaraavartate na sa punaraavartate" - Jabali Upanishad

7.  குலமிலராகிலும் குலத்துக்கு ஏற்பதோர்
நலமிகக் கொடுப்பது நமச்சிவாயவே 
The association plays a major role in the spiritual journey.
The associations could be the culture, family, friends and acquaintances.
One tends to benchmark the virtue, spiritual progress with respect
to this flock. The best in a not so good company need not even stand
near the bottom of a good association. The ultimate of course is the 
unique company of the Perfect Lord Shiva. Until that state of maturity
comes all other associations exist and they influence our own state too.
c.f. அகன் ஞாலத்து அகத்துள் தோன்றி 
வருந்துணையும் சுற்றமும் பற்றும் விட்டு வான்புலன்கள் அகத்தடக்கி மடவாரோடும்
பொருந்தணை மேல் வரும் பயனைப் போக மாற்றிப் பொது நீக்கித் தனை நினைய வல்லார்க்கு என்றும்
பெருந்துணையைப் பெரும்பற்றப் புலியூரானை - திருநாவுக்கரசர் தேவாரம்

Can we get such maturity immediately? May not. That is why
irrespective of the baseline we are associated with holding the 
"Namahshivaya" mantra will launch us into the upward path
- providing us better and better associations and virtues,
ultimately providing us the private company of the Supreme Shiva!

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