This poem expresses his intense longing to rejoin at once the Master and His disciples.
I. Longings for endless joy.
Would birth in earthly forms might cease, devoted love so might I gain !
O Civa-Peruman, Whose form is beauteous like red lotus-flower;
Thou art my rare Ambrosia; midst the assembly of Thy saints
Thy sacred grace unique show Thou; be gracious, take me too and save !
II. He pleads the promise.
I'm not my own, Thy slave am I; sever'd from Thee no moment can
I live; a cur, I nothing know,- O Cankaran! In pitying grace
Thou Mighty said'st to me, 'Behold,' and showed'st Thy jewell'd feet. Our Lord,
And was the promise false that said, 'I sever nevermore from Thee?' (8)
III. Love that 'maketh not ashamed.'
Melting my frame, granting Thy grace, showing to me Thy flow'ry feet,
Erewhile Thou madest me Thine own, O Sage, O First of sages all !
My Bliss, Thou didst dissolve my soul, and dost my life consume.
Grant me Thy love, King of my soul; that so Thy grace from shame may shield ! (12)
IV. He laments his deadness of soul.
Of piety I'm void, nor bow at vision of Thy golden feet;
My heart is dead, my lips are seal'd;- yet cause this 'birth' to cease, our Lord !
Pearl-like Thou art, gem-like Thou art ! First One, I utter my complaint:
So oft I've follow'd Thee, henceforth apart from Thee I bear not life ! (16)
V. Spiritual declension.
I see Thy gracious feet no more, which seeing erst mine eyes were glad;
I've ceased to cherish Thee; I've ceased to utter childlike praise; and thus
Tanu, my mighty Lord, I'm lost; the state, that melting thinks on Thee,
By meannesses I've ceas'd to know; 'twere shame to me to see Thee come ! (20)
VI. Supplication.
Thee, Lord supreme, with milk-white ash adorn'd, meeting with grace superne
Thy servants true,
Who dost appear, and show the hav'n of grace,- Thee, glorious Light, I, void
of righteousness,
Extol as my Ambrosia, praising Thee,- praise, glorify, invoke with weepings loud !
Master, thus working in me mightily, in grace O speak, in pity speak ! (24)