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Hymn XLVII.- Tiruvenba The Sacred Venba

This purports to have been composed immediately after his return to Perun-turrai, when he was hoping for speedy consummation, but felt impatient.

I. How shall I endure this state of imperfection? 

What shall I do while twofold deeds' fierce flame burns still out,- 
Nor doth the body melt,- nor falsehood fall to dust ? 
In mind no union gained with the 'Red Firs's honey' 

The Lord of Perun-turrai fair ! (4)
II. How employ the weary time of waiting? 

Shall I cry out, or wail, or dance, or sing, or watch? 
O Infinite, what shall I do? The Sire Who fills 
With rapturous amaze,- great Perun-turrai's Lord 

Let all with me bending adore ! (8) 

III. The wonder of his conversion. 

No sense of fault had I ! Nor of refreshment knew. 
In safety's path, by worship at His roseate feet. 
He stood on earth, His dart shot forth, and to my thought 

Linked Himself;- Perun-turrai's Lord ! (12)

IV. He came in grace. 

He stood before me, rooting out my 'twofold deeds,'-
The mighty Ruler Who at last shall cut off 'birth'; 
Lord of the south; in Perun-turrai great in grace, 

Who dwells; Balm of all human woes ! (16)

V. Praise superfluous. 

To them that know what word can praise the King? - Him, Who 
All worlds brought forth, Whom Vedic god and Mal knew not; 
The mighty Lord, Whose seat is Perun-turrai's shrine;- 

In me to-day, and evermore ! (20)

VI. The bliss of His advent. 

He filled with frenzy; set me free from 'births'; my soul 
With speechless fervours thrilled,- blest Perun-turrai's Lord,- 
The Sire in grace exceeding made me His; the balm 

For all my pain; the deathless BLISS ! (24)

VII. Leading and light. 

He showed the realm where 'births' return no more; He came 
In grace that no requital knows, Ambrosia sating not ! 
This is the light diffus'd within my thought by Him, 

The Lord of Perun-turrai's shrine ! (28)

VIII. Condescending love. 

Glorious, exalted over all, the Infinite,- 
To me mere slave, lowest of all, Thou hast assigned 
A place in bliss supreme, that none beside have gained or known ! 

Great Lord, what can I do for Thee? (32)

IX. Unparalleled gift. 

The three, the thirty-three, all other gods beside 
See Thee not, Civan, mighty Lord ! Riding the steed 
Hither descending didst Thou come. When at Thy foot 

I lowly bow, bliss thrills my frame ! (36)

X. Be not afraid to ask of Him. 

Soul, ponder His twain feet Who here made me His own ! 
Beg for HIs grace ! Behold, He will give all,- the King 
Who grace bestows,- Whose seat is Perun-turrai's shrine,- 

Dwelling ambrosial in my soul ! (40)

XI. Light and love from His indwelling. 

He hath increased delight, hath darkness banished, 
For aye cut off afflictions' clinging bond, and light 
Of love hath given,- the Lord of Perun-turrai great, 

Well pleased to make my heart His home ! (44)

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