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Hymn XXXVIII -Tiruvesaravu Sacred Sadness.



My iron mind full oftern didst Thou draw, and melt my frame; 
Thy feet to me didst show, as though the sweet cane's pleasantness; 
Thou of the braided lock, where waters wander wave on wave! 
The jackals all Thou mad'st great horses; thus didst show Thy grace. (4)


Thou Partner of the maid whose words are music! To thine own 
Ambrosia precious, sating every soul ! Master, Thy slave 
Rule Thou ! Cut off these earthly 'births.' When Thou didst pity me 
I saw Thy foot in vision clear, and, ah, my soul was freed ! (8)


No hiding place had I; in hell of births and deaths I sank; 
No loving hand was stretched to aid; Master, Thou bad'st me come, 
Who didst the poison eat from out the swelling sea ! To me, 
How Thou didst show Thy flowery foot, our Deity supreme ! (12)


Dancer with serpent-girded foot ! Thou of the braided lock ! 
Lord of the saints crowned with Thy flowery foot ! me dost Thou save, 
From praising meaner gods that others praise. O wondorous grace ! 
I ponder how Thou to my soul didst show Thy saving power. (16)


No lore of wisdom had I, melted not in rapturous tears;- 
Yet other gods knew not ! ANd by Thy word, our mighty Lord ! 
My soul exulted when I gained Thy foot. To me, Thy slave, 
As though one gave to cur a golden seat, Thy grace was shown. (20)


Sore troubled by the glancing eyes of damsels, soft of foot, 
A poisonous anguish pierc'd my trembling frame; yet by 
Thy grace I 'scaped, my Lord, my Owner ! Me Thou bad'st Fear not,' 
And mad'st Thine own,- Ambrosia of the sacred temple court ! (24)


For me Thou caused'st 'birth' to cease, great Lord of bliss, Who dwell'st unknown
By even the heavenly ones in Perun-turrai's southern shrine ! 
Entering in love, melting my heart within, Thou madest me Thine ! 
Great Lord, such was the way that Thou didst look on me ! (28) 


O Ancient One ! First One, that grows not old ! The Endless 
Chaunted word ! True Essence ! Burgeoned forth as that WHICH IS, 
AND IS NOT. Entering here, me who in error rolled, Thy grace 
Restored, and made Thine own. Such was Thy way, O mighty One ! (32)

IX. Special manifestation in Idai-maruthur. 

Sprang up Thy foot, as sweetly fragrant flower within my mind, melting my soul ! 
In every street I wept, and praised Thee, mighty Lord of bliss ! 
Mercy supreme that as wide ocean rolls, I tasted, plunged therein ! 
Father, in Idai-maruthur Thou show'dst Thy grace to me ! (36)

X. No desert in me; all in His grace ! 

Have I indeed performed ascetic deeds, Ci-va-ya-na-ma gained to chaunt ! 
Civan, the mighty Lord, as honey and as rare ambrosia sweet, 
Himself He came, entered my soul,- to me His slave gave grace; 
So that I hated, loathed this life of soul in flesh enmeshed, that day. (40)

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