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Hymn XXXII - Praththanai Pathu The Supplication.

I. Alternations of feeling. 

Mingling with Thy true saints, that day in speechless joy I stood; 
Next day, with dawning daylight trouble came, and there abode. 
My soul grows old. Master! to seek the gleam of fadeless bliss 
Wand'ring I went. In grace to me, Thy slave, let loye abound! (4)

II. Impatience. 

Some of Thy saints have gained through plenteous love Thy grace. Grown lod, 
All vain my griefs, - of this vile corpse I see no end. 
Remove from sinful me my deeds of sin; let mercy's sea o'erflow! 
O Master, to Thy slave give ceaseless soul-subduing grace! (8)

III. Fortitude-strong in love-needed. 

Deep in the vast Ambrosial sea of grace Thy perfect saints 
Have sunk. Lo, Lord, I wearied bear this frame with darkness filled! 
Men see, and cry, 'A madman, one of 'wildered mind is here.' 
Master, that I may fearless live, true live I NEEDS must gain! (12)

IV. Craving for consummate bliss 

I NEED!; I NEED! Midst Thy true faithful ones, in grace desiring me, 
Thou mad'st me Thine, my grief's expell'd, - Ambrosia! precious peerless Gem, 
Like gleam of quenchless lamp! And I, Thy servant too, shall I 
Reach Thee, and ne'er again know NEED? Thou all-abounding Love! (16)

V. Shall I get free from Self? 

Thou Partner of the bright-eyed maid! To dwell among Thy saints, 
Desiring Thee in truth, shall it be giv'n to sinful me 
By Thine own grace, gaining the ancient sea of bliss superne, 
To rest, in soul and body freed from thought of 'I' and 'mine'? (20)

VI. Longing desire of the Infinite Bliss 

Thy loving ones have gained 'cessation' absolute; but here 
My spirit ever melts, outside I lie,- base dog, and mourn! 
O Master mine, I would attain true love's vast sea of bliss, 
That cahnge, surcease, oblivion, sev'rance, thought, bound, death knows not! (24)

VII. Cut short Thy work! 

They've seen the sea-like bliss, have seized it, and enjoy! Is't meet, 
That I, low dog, with added pains and pining sore should bide? 
Master, do Thou Thyself give grace, I pray! I faint! I fail! 
Cut short Thy work! O light! let darkness flee before Thy mercy's beam! (28)

VIII. Come quickly 

Enter'd amongst Thine own, to whom true melting grace abounds, 
I stand with soul like tough bambasa stem, and wear away. 
O Civan, grant the love Thy crowned servants bear to Thee! 
O swiftly come, and give to me Thy tender beauteous Foot! (32)

IX. Was I not made Thine own? 

Thine own stood round, and all declar'd: 'No grace withheld, all grace
Is given,' - and I, Thy servant, shall I mourn as aliens wont? 
Thou King of Civa-world, by glorious grace didst change my thought, 
An make me Thine,- I pray Thee, Lord, place me in changeless bliss! (36)

X. Is aught gained by delay? 

Thou Partner sole of the Gazelle! Sweet fruit to them that worship Thee! 
Teacher! If I am like an unbor'd gourd, doth thus Thy glory live? 
O King, when comes the time that Thou wilt grant in grace to me 
A soul that melts and swells in knowing Thee, Who cam'st in flesh? (40)

XI. Must I langusih here? 

In concert joining shall Thy saints, there bending smile and joy? 
O Master, drooping, all forlorn, like withered tree, must I 
Stand sullen while they mingle, melt, souls swelling, lost in bliss 
In rhythmic dance? Grant bliss of sweet communion with Thy grace! (44)

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