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Hymn XVIII - Kuyil Pathu The Kuyil-Decad


The Kuyil is often referred to in these poems. Our Sage, like St. Francis of Assisi, was exceedingly fond of birds, and indeed was filled with love for the whole creation. In this poem he calls upon the Kuyil to join him in the praises of his Master, recounting the chief themes on which he was wont to dilate. The epithets applied to the Kuyil are skilfully varied; it is pictured to us as a diminutive bird haunting the leafy groves; of a dark azure hue with a golden tint; as uttering a sweet call of a peculiarly tender kind; as possessed of a beauty gladdening the eye; and as imparting pleasure to all that hear its inviting notes. Mystically the Kuyil is the human soul.
The Kuyil (or Kokila: Eudynamys indicus) is found in all parts of the peninsula of India, and is a great favourite with the people. Its somewhat monotonous cry is more appreciated by the natives of the East than by those of the West, yet it is not unpleasing, - in moderation. Its note is sweet and plaintive. It must not be confounded with the English cuckoo, though it is of the same species, and not unlike it in some particulars.

I. Civan's infinity.

O KUYIL, sweet of song, if thou dost seek our Peruman to know;
If thou would'st ask of His twain feet; they're planted'neath the sevenfold gulf.
Would'st hear of His bright jewell'd crown? 'Tis glory old that passes speech.
Nor origin, nor qualities hath He, nor end; CALL HIM TO COME! (4)

II. His grace to Mandodari.

Him the fair sevenfold world extols,- since every being's form is His;-
In southern sea-girt Lanka He, the Lord Who Perun-turrai owns,
Vandothari the beautiful, made glad with His abounding grace! 
KUYIL, the southern Pandi Chief, CALL HITHER with thy voice divine! (8)

III. In His capital.

KUYIL with form of azure hue! In Uttara-koca-mangai's shrine,
Where bright the sacred temple stands, whose storied tenements rise decked with gems, 
One with the graceful Lady's flower-like form in virtue sweetly rich He dwells,-
The loving Lord by whom the world grows bright,- go thou, and HITHER CALL! (12)

IV. His voluntary humiliation.

Thou KUYIL small, that dost frequent the grove with sweet fruit rich, hear this!
The Gracious-One Who left the heavens, enter'd this earth, made men His own;
The Only-One, despised the flesh, entered my soul, and fills my thought;- 
The Bridegroom of the Fawn-eyed-one that gently rules,- GO HITHER CALL! (16)

V. His gracious appearing.

KUYIL, whose beauty is delight! Like sun with circling radiant beams,
Through upper heaven come down, He frees His saints from thrall of low desire;
The First, the Midst, the End is He;- the Three knew not His sacred form;-
His feet are bright with crimson glow;-the mighty Warrior CALL TO COME! (20)

VI. The manifestation in Madura.

KUYIL, glad pleasure give I Thee! the sevenfold worlds He rules;-
The Loving-One ambrosia gives;- the Blissful-God came down from heaven,
And on the goodly charger rode like jewel set in ruddy gold.
KUYIL, 'mid branches twittering, Gokari's Lord GO, CALL TO COME! (24)

VII. The monarch of the Tamil lands.

KUYIL, I'll joy in thee, and be thy comrade, ever by the side;-
Him of the beauteous form Who shines, more choice than gold, in glory bright;
The King, Who on the horse in splendour rode, in Perun-turrai dwells!-
The Southern-One, the Ceran, Coran, great Buyangan, CALL TO COME! (28)

VIII. Arunacalam.

O tender KUYIL, come thou here! Mal sought Him, and the 'Four-faced'-one,
Nor found, then ceased, and pondering stood. Cleaving the heaven, in shining fire, 
Beyond all worlds He rose that day, His body like the light rayed out.
On prancing steed a groom He rode; CALL Him with streaming lock TO COME! (32)

IX. The gracious initiation.

KUYIL, thy dark form gleams with gold; thou in the fragrant grove dost joy!
The Blest, Whose glorious form is bright as splendour of the lotus red, 
On earth, showed us His feet; set free from every bond, and made me His.
The beauteous cinctured golden Form,th' Ambrosial-One, GO CALL TO COME! (36)

X. His manifestation as a guru.

Hear this, thou KUYIL, calling 'midst the grove whose shady boughs enlace! 
A Brahman here He came, revealed His beauteous rosy feet to me.
'This man is one of us,' He said, and here in grace made me His own!
The LORD OF GODS, Whose sacred form is as red fire, GO BID TO COME!

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