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The God Called A Vanni Tree, A Lingam, And A Well, From Tirupurambiyam To Bear Witness To A Marriage

In a town on the sea-coast in the Soren kingdom, there was a merchant who was very wealthy, but had no child. He, with his wife, performed many religious services, and at length were favoured with only the gift of a female infant. The merchant at the birth of his daughter, intimated his intention that she should be married to the son of his elder sister, who was then at Madura. Shortly after the merchant died; and his wife was burned together with the dead body of her husband, leaving the child an orphan. After the usual lamentations were passed, the relatives sent to call the merchant's nephew, and mentioned his uncle's intentions as to the marriage: but he preferred that the marriage ceremonies should take place at Madura, among his relations; and after some time, set out on his return thither, taking with him, the young woman her attendants, and property. On the road they came to the town named Tirupurambiyan, where the young man bathed in the tank; and the tank; and the food of the party was cooked under a vanni tree, (prosopia spicigera). After their meal the young man slept, with his head resting on the step of the temple for a pillow. In this situation a serpent came and bit him, so that he died. While other relatives wept, and fell on the body of the deceased according to custom, the young woman sat apart sorrowful. It so fell out Sambandar (of the foregoing tale) was then visiting this temple; on hearing the outcry, he went near, and inquired what was the matter. The young woman fell at his feet; and , with all the high appellations employed to the holiest of men, stated the circumstances, and the occurrence that had taken place. He noticed in a particular manner the becoming deportment of the betrothed; and interesting himself in the case, thought on the god, and chanted certain verses in his praise. As a consequence the young man that was dead, became revivified, opened his eyes, and arose, unconscious to himself of anything more than having arisen from sleep. The person instrumental in this result strongly recommended the two persons to marry at that very place. But the young woman objected the distance from kindred and want of witnesses. Sambandat said, that the vanni tree, the lingam, and the well, would be sufficient witnesses, and the marriage ceremony was performed.


god called a vanni ...


After their arrival at Madura, the woman brought forth a son, who was accustomed to play with two children which the same husband had received by a former wife, still living. Some disagreement took place between the children, which brought on a quarrel between the mothers; and the elder wife employed disrespectful language regarding the younger, asking, among other things, "Where were the witnesses to her marriage?" These being mentioned the elder jeered her asking "If such witnesses would come and give testimony?" The younger wife, feeling herself hurt, went and bathed in the golden lotus tank, and be sought the god; when a celestial voice was heard, saying, "I will bring the witnesses to this place, go and call your kindred." She accordingly went, and brought the elder wife, together with many other friends, to the temple, where in the Isani choultry, the god presented to their view the vanni tree, the lingam, and the well. The elder wife, being confounded, only nodded her head, in token of favour extended towards the younger wife, rendered her many honours.

The husband, on learning these circumstances, greatly blamed the elder wife, and repudiated her; but, at the intercession of the younger wife, who pleaded the honour she had received through the malice of her opponent, the husband took back the elder wife, and restored her privileges. These witnesses remain to the present day.

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