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Jabali Upanishat

[*This is 104th in order of 108 Upanishats.]

By R. A. Sastri

1. Om Next, Pippalada addressed the holy Jabal: “O Lord instruct me in the secret of the Supreme Reality. What is the reality? Who is Jiva? Who is Pasu? Who is the Lord? What are the means to attain Salvation?”

2. He replied to him: “Well-questioned. I shall instruct thee in all that I know.”

3. Again he asked him, “Wherefrom learnt thou?” “From Shanmukha”.

4. Again he asked him, “wherefrom learnt he?” “From Isana”.

5. Again he asked, “how did he get it?” He replied: “By meditating on it.”

6. Again he addressed him: “Instruct me, out of compassion, O Lord, in all the secrets.”

7. Thus questioned, he instructed him in all.

8. Pasupati is the only Reality.

9. The Jiva, who entered into Ahamkara (the vehicle of Egoism) and transmigration is Pasu.

10. The Lord is Pasupati, who is Omniscient, possessed of five functions (creation &c.,) and the master of all.

11. Who are the Pasus?

12. He answered him, “The Jivas are said to be the Pasus; and the Lord of them is Pasupati.”

13. Again he addressed him, “Why are the Jivas called Pasus and their Lord, Pasupati?”

14. He replied: “The Jivas like cows and the other beasts are fed on grass, are devoid of discrimination, are led by others, are engaged in the works of agriculture, undergo misery and are bound by their masters; as their master is to them, so is the Lord, the Omniscient Pasupati”.

15. By what means is his knowledge derived?

16. He, again, replied to him: “only by besmearing himself with the holy ashes”.

17. How should it be applied and where?

18. Again he answered him: “Handle the Bhasma (holy ashes) reciting the Panchabrahma mantra (the five mantras are Sadyojatam – to Sadasivam), he should consecrate it by the mantra, ‘Agni is Bhasma &c.’ Take it up in hand with the mantra ‘manastoka etc.,’ he should next mix it with water reciting the mantra ‘Trayayusham’ and apply it in three lines, in the head, forehead, breast and shoulders pronouncing the mantras ‘Trayayusha’ and ‘Tryambaka.’

19. This ‘Sambhavavam’ is declared in all the Vedas by the promulgators of the same.

20. One, desirous of salvation, should observe this to avoid re-birth.

21. Next, Sanat-Kumara asked the dimension of the three lines when applied.

22. (He answered him) The three lines are to occupy the whole forehead, above the eyes and between the two eye-brows.

23. The first line represents the Garhapatya fire, the letter A, Rajas, the Earth, one’s own Self, Kriyasakti, Rig-Veda, the morning sacrifice, and has the Lord Prajapati as its presiding Deity.

24. The second line represents the Dakshinagni, the letter U, Satva, the middle space, the inner self, Ichchasakti, YajurVeda, the midday sacrifice, and has the Lord Vishnu as its presiding Deity.

25. The third line represents the Ahavaniya fire, the letter M, Tamas, Heaven, the Supreme Self, Jnanasakti, SamaVeda, the evening sacrifice, and has Mahadeva as its presiding Deity.

26. Thus the learned one who draws the three lines by Bhasma, whether he be a Brahmacharin, or a householder, hermit or ascetic, is freed from the deadly sins and also the minor ones. He reaps the result of studying all the Vedas. He realizes the effect of meditating on all the Devas. He attains the virtue of bathing in all the holy waters. He gets the benefit of reciting all the Rudra mantras. He never comes back, (into rebirth) never comes back. Om, Truth. Thus ends the Upanishat.

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