"I am a servitor of Nesan too"
- The Tiru-th-Tonda-th-Tokai.
1. Men of loving chinta and granters of well-being,
Established in the way of ever-glorious greatness
For ever abide in this very hoary city
Of world-pervading glory; it is Kambili rich
In mansions whose cloud-capped towers and turrets
Are bathed by the moon’s rays. (4192)
2. In that city he came to be born in the clan of weavers;
In his traditional and ever-during vocation
He acquired pre-eminence; he would render, with all his
Heart, service to the devotees of the Lord
Who wears snakes for his jewels; he wore as it were
The feet of the Lord’s devotees and hailed them thus;
He that glowed with such splendour was called Nesanaar. (4193)
3. He dedicated his thinking to the flower-feet of Hara,
His soaring vaak to the lofty Panchaakshara
And his manual service to the servitors of the Lord;
He wove fitting clothing, keell and flawless kovanam. (4194)
4. Weaving goodly garments, great keells and peerless kovanams
He would ceaselessly give away these to the servitors
Of the Lord whose mount is the Bull, whenever
The approached him for these; he would ever adore
And hail their feet and thus came by the beatitude
Of servitorship; thus, even thus, he reached
The shade of Hara’s feet. (4195)
5. Adoring the feet of Nesar who, to reach the feet
Of the Lord whose crown is wrought of braids
Of matted hair, did away with the karma
That fettered him, we proceed to narrate
The glory of Ko-ch-Chengkat Chola who by reason
Of his (tapaswic) greatness came to be born
With the awareness of his previous birth and who,
For the Lord whose ensign in His flag is the Bull,
Built many a temple and reigned over the earth. (4196)
Verse No.
1. Kambili: It is a town of Kambili taluq, Bellari, District, Andhra Pradesh.
It is also said that Nesa Naayanaar who was born here spent his later
part of life in Koorainaadu, Mayilaaduthurai. In the shrine of Koorainaadu,
it is said, the icons of Muruka and Vinaayaka brought thither by Nesa
Naayanaar, are installed. Koorai means garment. The weavers of Koorainaadu
conduct a festival in honor of our Naayanaar during the Rhohini Day of
Pangkuni, every year.
3. Our Naayanaar was a weaver by birth. His mind ever dwelt upon the glory of
Siva. His lips ever chanted the hallowed name of Siva. Small wonder the
garments he wove were wrought of devotion’s threads.
4. Cf. “Kaivinai ceythu em Piraan kazhal potruthum” (Render manual service and
adore the ankleted feet of our Lord-God).
5. Our Naayanaar wove his way to Sivapuram.
Here ends the Puranam of Nesa Naayanaar
Sincere thanks to Sri. T N Ramachandran of thanjavur, for permitting his English rendering of the holy text periyapurANam be published here.
See Also:
1. nEcha nAyanAr purANam in English prose
2. நேச நாயனார் புராணம் (தமிழ் மூலம்)
3. thiruththoNDar purANam main page
4. 12 shaivite thirumuRais