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Purushothama Nambi History

purudOththama n^ambi is one among the nine devotees who sung the Divine Music thiruvichaippA, which is the ninth thirumuRai. His compositions form the eighth set in the thiruvichaippA. purudOththama is one of the names of Lord viShNu. So it is understood that he came in a vaiShNava family. He has referred to himself as mAchilA maRaipala Odhun^Avan vaN purudOththaman (chanter of flawless vedas). He cultivated rich devotion for Lord shiva in himself.

It is said that well learnt and highly skilled, he lived in the thillai worshiping the Cosmic Dancer in that town's abode. There are not many details available about his life. Some say that he lived in the 11 th century ACE. There are two padhikams sung by him on the Golden Matted Haired Lord of thillai, which are part of thiruvichaippA (1).

See Also:
1. Thiruvichaippa

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