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Sethirayar (Thirumurai Composer) History

Chedhirayar is one among the nine devotees who sung the Divine Music thiruvichaippA, which is the ninth thirumuRai. His compositions form the nineth set in the thiruvichaippA. This devotee was a king who ruled a small kingdom called chEdhi nAdu (which is now in South-arcot dt. in thamiz nAdu). This kingdom had thirukkOvalUr, kiliyUr as the capitals. This king devotee ruled from kiLiyUr.

It is said that he came in the same tradition as the king narachiNga munaiyaraiyar(2), who brought up the great saint sundhara mUrthi nAyanAr(3) as his own son. From his predecessors chEdhirAyar inherited the devotion on Lord shiva and he grew it with his love and effortfulness towards the God. He had worshiped many abodes of the Lord, Who has this whole Universe as His abode. Some analysts say that he was either a contemporary of the chOza kingkulOththuNga first (1070 - 1120) or lived in a later period. The other information about him are not available. There is only one padhikam available which is composed by him in thiruvichaippA(1). This is on the Lord of thillai.

See Also:
1. Thiruvichaippa
2. Narachinga Munaiyaraiya Nayanar
3. Sundaramurthi Nayanar

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