காரைக்கால் அம்மையார் அருளிய - அற்புதத் திருவந்தாதி
பதினோராம் திருமுறை.
அறிவானுந் தானே அறிவிப்பான் தானே
அறிவாய் அறிகின்றான் தானே - அறிகின்ற
மெய்ப்பொருளுந் தானே விரிசுடர்பார் ஆகாயம்
அப்பொருளுந் தானே அவன்.
kAraikkAl ammaiyAr aruLiyadhu
padhinORAm thirumuRai
aRpudhath thiruvan^dhAdhi
aRivAnun^ thAnE aRivippAn thAnE
aRivAy aRikinRAn thAnE - aRikinRa
meypporuLun^ thAnE viricuDar pAr AkAcam
apporuLun^ thAnE avan
Meaning of Arpudha Thiruvanthadhi
Himself is the One Who gets to know.
Himself is the One Who makes to know. Himself
is the intellect that knows. Himself is the
pure knowledge that is known. He is the
earth, splendid space and all those things (beyond).
1. The word "kaDavuL" is a very deeply significant
one, more so in the shaiva sidhdhantha context.
God is all pervading. Everywhere is God.
(c.f. ye devAdevAH diviShadaH .....
- sAmaveda)
In spite of being in all things, God stands out -
in them as well as beyond everything.
(c.f. rudra sUkta - yajurveda)
1. nyAna nyAtR^i nyeya rUpA - lalitha sahasranama
2. civanyAna bOdham - 11th sutra (The complete text
could be found at /saiva-siddhanta )