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What if threatened?

திருஞானசம்பந்தர் திருக்கடைக்காப்பு
தலம்    திருவாலவாய் (மதுரை)
பண்    கௌசிகம்
மூன்றாம் திருமுறை


எண்திசைக்கு  எழில் ஆலவாய் மேவிய
அண்டனே அஞ்சல் என்று அருள் செய் எனைக்
குண்டராம் அமணர் கொளுவும் சுடர்
பண்டி மன் தென்னன் பாண்டியற்கு ஆகவே.


thirunyAna camban^dhar thirukkaDaikkAppu
thalam     thiruvAlavAy (madhurai)
paN     kaucikam
mUnRAm thirumuRai


eNthicaikku ezil AlavAy mEviya 
aNDanE anycal enRu aruL cey enaik
kuNDarAm amaNar koLuvum cuDar
paNDi man thennan pANDiyaRku AkavE.


Oh the Lord of Universe taken abode at AlavAy 
- the beauty in all the eight directions ! Bless
me, "Fear not". The fire that has been set out 
by the gundas in jains, go off to the ancient
southern king pANDiya.

1. There are many people who threaten in the
name of God that unless so and so is worshipped
there would be fatal consequences. A shaky mind
falls victim to the threats, "just to be safe" !!
Instead of actually becoming safer, it calls for
utter confusion and being lost !! The mind that 
has built concrete devotion on the basis of analysis 
and experience of Truth, rather bounces it back
in the face of the threatening forces making them
realize their shamble ground. 
   What cambandhar was put to was not just the 
threat of the words, but his monastery was put on
fire. The child saint who was to sing, "cuDar viTTULan
eN^gaL cOdhi", sought out to the God Who cannot be
defeated. The prodigy neither resorted to inappropriate
actions nor ran away from the scene. The Lord of 
thiruvAlavAy was behind, making him rejuvenate the
glory of the pANdiya kingdom.
2. koLuvum - koLuththiya - lit by; paNDi man - ancient

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