திருநாவுக்கரசர் தேவாரம்
தலம் திருவாரூர்
ஆறாம் திருமுறை
உயிராவணம் இருந்து உற்று நோக்கி
உள்ளக் கிழியின் உருவெழுதி
உயிர் ஆவணஞ் செய்திட்டு உன்கைத் தந்தால்
உணரப் படுவாரோடு ஒட்டி வாழ்தி
அயிராவணம் ஏறாது ஆனேறு ஏறி
அமரர் நாடு ஆளாதே ஆரூராண்ட
அயிராவணமே என்னம்மானே நின்
அருட்கண்ணால் நோக்காதார் அல்லாதாரே.
thirun^Avukkaracar thEvAram
thalam thiruvArUr
ARAm thirumuRai
uyirAvaNam irun^thu uRRu n^Okki
uLLak kiziyin uru ezuthi
uyir AvaNany cheythiTTu un kaiththan^thAl
uNarap paDuvArODu oTTi vAzthi
ayirAvaNam ERAthu AnERu ERi
amarar n^ADu ALAthE ArUr ANDa
ayirAvaNamE en ammAnE n^in
aruTkaNNAl n^OkkAthAr allAthArE.
Holding the breath, stationing the sight,
painting the Form in the canvas of mind,
making the life as a pledge and give in
Your hands, stay as the One being realized !
Not riding the airAvatham, riding the bull,
Not ruling the world of divines, ruling
thiruvArUr, oh the Lord of anthill, my
Beloved, those who are not seen by Your
Gracious eyes they are as good as non-existent !
1. This song describes the yogic way of worship.
2. For those who meditate focussing on
whichever form of God, God stays with them
in that form and in that relationship.
c.f. Aroruvar uLguvAr uLLaththuLLE
avvuruvAy n^iRkinRa aruLum thOnRum - appar.
3. Those who don't make effort to get identified
for God's Grace have effectively lost the essence
of life and are as good as non-existent.
4. uyirththal - breathing; kizi - canvas for drawing;
AvaNam - bond document; ayirAvaNam - elephant
of indra; AnERu - bull; ayir - fine sand (of anthill);
ayirAvaNam - puRRiDam koNDAr (God in thiruvArUr
is in the form of anthill).