திருஞானசம்பந்தர் - திருக்கடைக்காப்பு
தலம் : பொது
பண் : கௌசிகம்
மூன்றாம் திருமுறை.
கடிசேர்ந்த போது மலரான கைக்கொண்டு நல்ல
படிசேர்ந்த பால்கொண்டங் காட்டிடத் தாதை பண்டு
முடிசேர்ந்த காலையற வெட்டிட முக்கண் மூர்த்தி
அடிசேர்ந்த வண்ணம் அறிவார் சொலக்கேட்டு மன்றே.
thirunyAna sambandhar thirukkaDaikkAppu
thalam podhu (Common)
paN kauchikam
muunRaam thirumuRai
kaDicheern^dha poodhu malaraana kaikkoNDu n^alla
paDicheern^dha paalkoNDaN^gu aaTTiDath thaadhai paNDu
muDicheern^dha kaalai aRa veTTiDa mukkaN muurthi
aDicheern^dha vaNNam aRivaar cholak keeTTumanRee
Meaning of Thevaram
Offering the fragrant flowers in hand, bathing
(the Lord) with the pure milk, when worshipping,
the father who tried to kick (the shivalingam),
cutting those legs off one who reached the
Holy Feet of the Three-eyed Lord, that story
don't we hear from the wise ?!
1. One of the two very talked about nAyanmAr,
chaNDIsar's great devotion and the reward for
the same is depicted here. The peerless young
child chaNDIsar who steadfast in his devotion,
without even bothering it was his own father
who was doing the misdeed at the beloved God,
removed the hindrance and focussed on the
worship ! If so is the devotion how much could
be the reward from the Gracious Lord ? He got
an unthinkable place and rights at the abode of
God. He comes along with shiva kuTumba as
panychamUrthi representing all the devotees
with the deer, axe and bull vAhana like the God !
The devotion at the altar of Lord siva will be
suitably rewarded, is beyond doubt.