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Like the frog in the mouth of snake

திருநாவுக்கரசர் தேவாரம்
தலம்    திருவொற்றியூர்
நான்காம் திருமுறை


ஓம்பினேன் கூட்டை வாளா உள்ளத்தோர் கொடுமை வைத்துக்
காம்பிலா மூழை போலக் கருதிற்றே முகக்கமாட்டேன்
பாம்பின் வாய்த் தேரை போலப் பலபல நினைக்கின்றேனை
ஓம்பி நீ உய்யக்கொள்ளாய் ஒற்றியூர் உடைய கோவே.


thirun^Avukkaracar thEvAram
thalam     thiruvoRRiyUr
n^AnkAm thirumuRai


OmbinEn kUTTai vALA uLLaththOr koDumai vaiththuk
kAmbilA mUzai pOlak karudhiRRE mukakkamATTEn
pAmbin vAyth thErai pOlap palapala n^inaikkinREnai
Ombi n^I uyyak koLLAy oRRiyUr uDaiya kOvE.


I nurtured the nest (body) in vain, keeping wickedness in mind.
Like the spoon without the hand, I can't pick desired things.
Like the toad in the mouth of a snake, 
I keep thinking very many things.
You take care of me and upbring, 
oh the King Who owns thiruvoRRiyUr !

1. The design of the spoon is to pick things. When the
handle of it is broken, it does not serve the purpose of 
taking out the liquid. Similarly the body is available, but
the hand must raise from it to worship, else it is as useless.
2. The frog when caught by the snake and about to
be swallowed, still keeps imagining all sorts of things.
Like that without focus one just wastes the whole life
till helplessly finding themselves crushed in the jaws of
time (or death).
3. ombal - carefully growing; kUDu - nest; vALA - simply;
kAmbu - handle; mUzai - (table) spoon; thErai - toad.

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