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How to chose a guru ?

திருமூலர் திருமந்திரம்
ஆறாம் தந்திரம்
பத்தாம் திருமுறை


குருட்டினை நீக்கும் குருவினைக் கொள்ளார்
குருட்டினை நீக்காக் குருவினைக் கொள்வர்
குருடும் குருடும் குருட்டாட்டம் ஆடிக்
குருடும் குருடும் குழிவிழுமாறே.


thirumUlar thiruman^thiram
ARAm than^thiram
paththAm thirumuRai


kuruTTinai n^Ikkum guruvinaik koLLAr
kuruTTinai n^IkkAk guruvinaik koLvar
kuruDum kuruDum kuruTTATTam ADik
kuruDum kuruDum kuzivizumARE.


People don't chose the guru who removes blindness,
they accept the guru who does not remove blindness.
Both the blinds (guru and the disciple) playing blind game,
both the blinds fall in the pit.

1. The choice of the guru cannot be understressed.
People get to glory or gloom depending on whom 
they follow or trust. Since guru must be followed 
as if the person is the gateway to God, before 
accepting anybody to such a glorious position 
one needs to ensure that the guru can enlighten
and not a one who is also in darkness in reality.
(of course non intrusively). Ancient scriptures suggest
the ways the guru should check the readiness of 
the disciple to be accepted and the disciple to chose
the guru who could lead the disciple to achieve.

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