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How much more do we talk meaningless things ?

பதினொன்றாம் திருமுறை
நக்கீரதேவ நாயனார் அருளியது
கயிலை பாதி காளத்தி பாதி அந்தாதி


மற்றுப் பல பிதற்ற வேண்டா மடநெஞ்சே
கற்றைச் சடையண்ணல் காளத்தி - நெற்றிக்கண்
ஆரா அமுதின் திருநாமம் அஞ்செழுத்தும் 
சோராமல் எப்பொழுதும் சொல்.


eleventh thirumuRai
n^akkIra dhEva n^AyanAr aruLiyathu
kayilai pAdhi kALaththi pAdhi an^dhAthi


maRRup pala pidhaRRa vENDAm maDan^enycE
kaRRaich chaDai aNNal kALaththi - n^eRRikkaN
ArA amudhin thirun^Amam anychezuththum
cOrAmal eppozudhuny chol


Oh stupid mind, don't keep talking uselessly 
about many things ! The Eldest Lord of thick
matted-hair, Forehead-eyed Lord of kALahasthi,
Never-saturating-Ambrosia - keep telling Its name 
- the Holy Five Syllables, relentlessly forever !

1. Doesn't it sound too simplified to be accepted ?
When one starts to learn things and got hang of 
things, the person is zealous. When the learning
takes one to proficiency the journey is exhilarating.
But when one reaches a perceived peak, there comes
the realization - well, there are lot many higher peaks 
and it is humanly impossible to climb everything !
Now the realized looks for usefulness than merely
climbing higher and higher.
  For the devotee when the realization sets in on what
could the Holy Five Syllables (panchAksharam) get,
the devotee puts on the head this simple and glorious
gem on the head, as ones own soul !

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