சேரமான் பெருமாள் நாயனார் அருளிய - பொன்வண்ணத்து அந்தாதி
பதினோராம் திருமுறை.
பொன்வண்ணம் எவ்வண்ணம் அவ்வண்ணம்
மேனி பொலிந்திலங்கும்
மின்வண்ணம் எவ்வண்ணம் அவ்வண்ணம்
வீழ்சடை வெள்ளிக்குன்றம்
தன்வண்ணம் எவ்வண்ணம் அவ்வண்ணம்
மால்விடை தன்னைக்கண்ட
என்வண்ணம் எவ்வண்ணம் அவ்வண்ணம்
ஆகிய ஈசனுக்கே.
cEramAn perumAL n^AyanAr aruLiyadhu
padhinORAm thirumuRai
ponvaNNaththu an^dhAdhi
ponvaNNam evvaNNam avvaNNam
mEni polin^dhilaN^gum
minvaNNam evvaNNam avvaNNam
vIzcaDai veLLik kunRam
thanvaNNam evvaNNam avvaNNam
mAlviDai thannaik kaNDa
envaNNam evvaNNam avvaNNam
Agiya IcanukkE
Meaning of Ponvannaththu Anthathi
How is the gold, so is the Form gloriously shining !
How is the lightning, so is the Falling Matted-hair
like a hill of silver !
How is He, so is His thirumAl bull !
How am I - who saw Him, so is He - the Lord !
1. cEramAn perumAL also known as kazaRiRRu aRivAr,
lived in the same time period as cundhara mUrthi
nAyanAr. His humbleness towards devotees in spite of
being an emperor is an inspiring one. His life history
could be seen at /devotees/the-history-of-kazharitrarivar-cheramanperumal-nayanar-part-i
2. This is a song in agaththuRai but also gives a
beautiful devotional meaning. The girl on seeing the
enchanting Lord gets to a particular state, in which
state God is also there. The devotee focusing
completely onto Lord shiva, becomes the one who is
nothing but Lord shiva. This is a state of union
with God, put in beautiful poetic terms.
3. mAlviDai - the bull vehicle of God when viShNu became
the bull. (During tripura samhAra when the axle of the
earth chariot broke, viShNu became the bull for Lord
shiva to sit.) The other bull is the aRaviDai - the bull
of dharma - justice.