திருஞானசம்பந்தர் - திருக்கடைக்காப்பு
தலம் : சீர்காழி
பண் : வியாழக்குறிஞ்சி
முதல் திருமுறை.
கழுமல முதுபதிக் கவுணியன் கட்டுரை
கழுமல முதுபதிக் கவுணியன் கட்டுரை
கழுமல முதுபதிக் கவுணியன் கட்டுரை
கழுமல முதுபதிக் கவுணியன் கட்டுரை. 1.127.12
thirunyAna sambandhar thirukkaDaikkAppu
thalam sIrkAzi
paN viyAzak kuRi~nchi
mudhal thirumuRai
thiru EkapAdham
kazumala mudupathik kavuNiyan kaTTurai
kazumala mudupathik kavuNiyan kaTTurai
kazumala mudupathik kavuNiyan kaTTurai
kazumala mudupathik kavuNiyan kaTTurai
Meaning of Thevaram
(Though all the four lines appear the same in this padhikam they mean
different. For convenience the above song is presented in the following
form to asociate with the meaning.
kazumal amudhu padhikka uLn^i an kaTTu urai
kazu malam udhu padhi kavuNi ankaN thu urai
kazum alam amudhu padhi kam uNiyan kaTTu urai
kazumalam mudhupadhik kavuNiyan kaTTu urai)
Linewise meaning
1. You are born through the filthy liquid and die off.
2. (To get rid of the above said birth death cycle) removing the filth
(three impurities - ANavam, kanmam, mAya) One who captures my mind
praise that Lord.
3. Though the Lord is like Nectar, He, Who goes on alms with the
creator's skull, is unrealisable Glory to those who are lost in the
filth of mAya.
4. Chant the hymn of sambandhar who came in the the kavuNiya (kauNTinya)
lineage singing the very old holy place thirukkazumalam (sirkazi)
1. nyAna sambandhar is called thamiz nyAna sambandhar. This young child
blessed by the Supreme couple has been a great scholar in thamiz. He has
done so many works that make us astonish about his skills, God given !
Naturally saint aruNagirinAthar pleads to Lord muruga, "Bless me to
sing the marvelous nectar like poems as the ones from scholarly lord
sambandhar". This EkapAdham is one example from many. Seeming like a
repetition, actually each of the lines mean different things altogether.
2. Sambandhar (as done by kAraikkAl ammaiyAr) signs all the padhikams
in the last song saying what glory one could get by praising the Lord
with his padhikam as an instrument. So his thEvAram (1 to 3 thirumuRais)
is called thirukkaDaikkAppu. The above one is one of the
thirukkaDaikkAppu song.