திருநாவுக்கரசர் தேவாரம்
தலம் திருக்கடம்பூர்க் கரக்கோயில்
ஐந்தாம் திருமுறை
வெலவலான் புலன் ஐந்தொடு வேதமுஞ்
சொலவலான் சுழலுந் தடுமாற்றமும்
அலவலான் மனையார்ந்த மென்றோளியைக்
கலவலான் கடம்பூர்க் கரக்கோயிலே.
thirunAvukkararcar thEvAram
thalam thirukkaDambUrk karakkOyil
ainthAm thirumuRai
velavalAn pulan ain^thoDu vEdhamum
cola valAn cuzalum thaDumARRamum
alavalAn manaiyArn^tha menROLiyaik
kalavalAn kaDambUrk karakkOyilE.
Explanation of song:
One Who can win the five senses;
One Who can tell the vEdhAs;
One Who is not affected by the whirls and shakiness;
One Who is united with the tender-shouldered house-Lady;
His (is the) karakkOyil of thirukkaDambUr.
1. While we try and win with the grace of God
the five senses, God by nature has won them.
(In fact they are present for God only due to the
way It interfaces with souls. By those senses and
forms God has no use as such.
c.f. kaN muthaR pulanAR kATciyum illOn - thiruvAsagam)