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Do advanced sadakas need rituals ?

திருமூலர் திருமந்திரம்
ஏழாம் தந்திரம்
பத்தாம் திருமுறை


மறப்பதுற்று எவ்வழி மன்னி நின்றாலும்
சிறப்பொடு பூ நீர் திருந்த முன் ஏந்தி
மறப்பின்றி நின்னை வழிபடும் வண்ணம்
அறப்பெற வேண்டும் அமரர் பிரானே


thirumUlar thiruman^thiram 
EzAm than^thiram
paththAm thirumuRai


maRappadhuRRu evvazi manni n^inRAlum
ciRappoDu pU n^Ir thirun^tha mun En^thi
maRappinRi n^innai vazipaDum vaNNam
aRappeRa vENDum amarar pirAnE


Meaning of thirumoolar thirumandthiram:

Even if I get to forget you and got involved in whatever else,
in grandeur holding to the fore flower and water in order,
without failing to remember, worshipping You,
should become in built in me, oh the Lord of immortals !

1. The natural tendency of the mind is to forget as cambandhar says.
(maRakkum manaththinai mARRi). Even though one may reach
a great state of mind in spirituality that may not be sustained 
during regular affairs. Regular rituals help one regain that 
making one steady in the spiritual progress. Through rituals if 
one gets to worship the God at various intervals of the day,
that could lead one to ever living with the God. (cf. ororukAl
emperumAn enRenRe namperumAn cIr orukAl vAyOvAL - tiruvasakam).
Thus the need of ritual is emphasized.
2. aRappeRa - get in completeness.

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