திருநாவுக்கரசர் தேவாரம்
தலம் பொது
ஆறாம் திருமுறை
மைப்படிந்த கண்ணாளுந் தானுங் கச்சி
மயானத்தான் வார்சடையான் என்னி னல்லான்
ஒப்புடைய னல்லன் ஒருவ னல்லன்
ஓரூர னல்லனோ ருவம னில்லி
அப்படியும் அந்நிறமும் அவ்வண் ணமும்
அவனருளே கண்ணாகக் காணி னல்லால்
இப்படியன் இந்நிறத்தன் இவ்வண் ணத்தன்
இவனிறைவன் என்றெழுதிக் காட்டொ ணாதே.
thirunAvukkararcar thEvAram
thalam pothu
ARAm thirumuRai
maippaDin^tha kaNNALum thAnum kacci
mayAnaththAn vArcaDaiyAn enni nallAn
oppuDaiya nallan oruva nallan
OrUra nallanOr uvaman illi
appaDiyum an^n^iRamum avvaN Namum
avanaruLE kaNNAgak kANin allAl
ippaDiyan in^n^iRaththan ivvaN Naththan
ivaniRaivan enRezuthik kATTo NAthE.
Meaning of song:
The dye-decorated-eyed-Lady and Self, the Lord of kacci mayAnam,
long-twined-hair One, Meritorious in me - He is has nobody
comparable; He is not one; He does not belong to a town/place;
He has no simile (to describe). That way, that form, that characteristics,
unless seen through His own grace, it is impossible to write and show
this way, this form, this characteristics and this is the God!
1. Philosophically often referred song of saint appar.
God is so dear to us who earnestly seek. God stays
with us. There builds the relationship. The soul perceives the
glorious characteristics of God and rejoices. Devoid of
illusion what it enjoys is absolutely true, but that is not
the complete experience God can provide. Another soul
may be experiencing the grace of God in a different way.
Without the grace of God regardless of how much the soul
tries to get the experience it would not be successful.
A person standing in the sea-shore can definitely view
the grand ocean - to the extent the eye can capture.
There exists ocean beyond that too.
c.f. a. Edhavan Ur Edhavan pEr AruRRAr ArayalAr
Edhavanaip pADum paricElOr empAvAy - thiruvAsakam
(/scripture/English-Script/1237/tiruvempavai-tiruppalliyezuchi )
b. oru n^Amam Oruruvam onRumilArkku Ayiram
thirun^Amam pADi n^Am theLLENam koTTAmO - thiruvAsakam
c. n^UlaRivu pEci n^uzaivilAthAr thirika
n^Ila maNimiDaRRAn n^IrmaiyE - mEluvan^thathu
ekkOlaththu evvuruvAy eththavaN^kaL ceyvArkkum
akkOlaththu avvuruvE Am - aRputhath thiruvan^thAthi
(/daily-prayers-thirumurai-series/which-form-to-worship-god )