திருநாவுக்கரசர் தேவாரம்
தலம் திருவாரூர்
ஆறாம் திருமுறை
ஒருவனாய் உலகேத்த நின்ற நாளோ
ஓருருவே மூவுருவ மான நாளோ
கருவனாய்க் காலனைமுன் காய்ந்த நாளோ
காமனையுங் கண்ணழலால் விழித்த நாளோ
மருவனாய் மண்ணும்விண்ணுந் தெரித்த நாளோ
மான்மறிக்கை யேந்தியோர் மாதோர் பாகந்
திருவினாள் சேர்வதற்கு முன்னோ பின்னோ
திருவாரூர் கோயிலாக் கொண்ட நாளே.
thirunAvukkararcar thEvAram
thalam thiruvArUr
ARAm thirumuRai
oruvanAy ulakEththa n^inRa n^ALO
OruruvE mUvuruvam Ana n^ALO
karuvanAyk kAlanaimun kAyn^tha n^ALO
kAmanaiyum kaNNazalAl viziththa n^ALO
maruvanAy maNNumviNNum theriththa n^ALO
mAnmaRikkai yEn^thiyOr mAthOr bAgam
thiruvinAL cErvathaRku munnO pinnO
thiruvArUr kOyilAk koNDa n^ALE.
Meaning of song:
Was it the day when stood Singular for the world to hail?
Was it the day One form became three?
Was it the day of firing the death (time) vehemently?
Was it the day of seeing with the eye of fire the cupid?
Was it the day spread in them showed up earth and sky?
Was it before or after the Lady of wealth joined a part of the Lord with deer-cub?
The day thiruvArUr was taken as abode?
1. thiruvArUr is the mUlAdhAra kshEtram. It is also
known as the pRuthvi kshetram. The antiquity and
glory of this abode is beyond expression. appar asks
God, "You took this as Your abode in this yuga, kalpa,
before all the creation or even before You became