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We Shall Offer Glorious Offering in a Glorious Way!

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Rig Veda

ऋषि    :    काण्वॊ मॆधातिथिराङ्गीरसः
दॆवता    :    इन्द्रः
छन्दस्    :    गायत्री

पन्यं॑पन्य॒मित्सॊ॑तार॒ आ धा॑वत॒ मद्या॑य । 
सॊमं॑ वी॒राय॒ शूरा॑य ॥ ८.२.२५ ॥

Mantra as Romanized text

RuShi    :    Kanvo Medhatathiragirasa
Aspect Hailed:    Indra
Chandas    :    Gayatri


panyaMpanyamitsOtAra A dhAvata madyAya | 
sOmaM vIrAya shUrAya || 8.2.25 ||

( panyaM panyam it sOtAra A dhAvata madyAya | 
sOmaM vIrAya shUrAya ||  )


Meaning of the Prayer Mantra:

 Oh the extractor! Prepare the glorious Somarasam in the 
glorious way to offer to the God - exhilarating, valiant and mighty!


1. panya - glorious; sOtRu - extractor; AdhAva - brew; madya - exhilarating;
sOmam - elixir (Somarasam).

2. We shall offer the glorious things to God. 
We shall also offer that in a glorious way.
It is for the Lord, Who stimulates us; energizes us!

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