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Veda mantras for various gods?! - Is Veda polytheistic? - Prayer from Atmarpanastuti of Appayya Dikshitar

Prayer from Atmarpanastuti of Appayya Dikshitar

Prayer of the Day

Prayer in Sanskrit 


इन्द्रं मित्रं वरुणमनिलं पद्मजं विष्णुमीशं
    प्राहुस्ते ते परमशिव ते मायया मोहितास्त्वाम् ।
एतैस्सार्धं सकलमपि यच्छक्तिलेशे समाप्तं
    स त्वं देव श्रुतिषु विदितः शम्भुरित्यादिदेवः ॥ ३ ॥

Shloka as Romanized text


indraM mitraM varuNamanilaM padmajaM viShNumIshaM
    prAhuste te paramashiva te mAyayA mohitAstvAm |
etaissArdhaM sakalamapi yachChaktileshe samAptaM
    sa tvaM deva shrutiShu viditaH shambhurityAdidevaH || 3 ||

(indraM mitraM varuNamanilaM padmajaM viShNum IshaM
    prAhuste te paramashiva te mAyayA mohitAstvAm |
etaiH sArdhaM sakalam api yaH shaktileshe samAptaM
    sa tvaM deva shrutiShu viditaH shambhurityAdidevaH ||)

Meaning of the Prayer Song:

Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Vayu, Brahma, Vishnu, Isha
- calling You by all these names the world is 
bewildered in the illusion created by You.
Actually all these end up as small powers of You!
You are the Divine Whom the Vedas know as Well-Self-Manifest (Shambhu)!


1. People get into too much of confusion as to which veda mantra
hails which god. This is clearly not the intent of veda as declared in the veda mantras themselves.

The cryptic underlying meaning
is not known by these people who get confused in the superficial meaning.
Vedas indeed hail the various powers of the Supreme God through many of
these names as the aspects of God. The One Who is Self-Manifest 
- Shambhu or Shiva, is the Lord of the Vedas.
2. c.f. Four vedas hail only Shiva - appar

See Also:

1. Complete Atmarpana stuti with music


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