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The Mystic Wheel - From Svetasvatara Upanishad

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Shvetashvatara Upanishad

तमॆकनॆमिं त्रिवृतं षॊडशान्तं
    शतार्धारं विंशतिप्रत्यराभिः ।
अष्टकैः षड्भिर्विश्वरूपैकपाशं
    त्रिमार्गभॆदं द्विनिमित्तैकमॊहम् ॥ ४ ॥


Hymn as Romanized text


tamEkanEmiM trivRutaM ShODashAntaM
    shatArdhAraM viMshatipratyarAbhiH |
aShTakaiH ShaDbhirvishvarUpaikapAshaM
    trimArgabhEdaM dvinimittaikamOham || 4 ||

( tam Eka nEmiM tri vRutaM ShODasha antaM
    shata ardha araM viMshati pratyarAbhiH |
aShTakaiH ShaDbhiH vishva rUpa eka pAshaM
    trimArga bhEdaM dvi nimitta eka mOham || )


Meaning of the Prayer Hymn:

 For Him - One wheel there are three tyres, sixteen ends,
fifty spokes, twenty wedges, six sets of eight, all encompassing form
and one belt. It moves in three directions and ech revolution giving
rise to two.


1. vRutam - envelope; antam - ends; aram - spoke; pratarAbhiH - wedges;
pAsham - belt.

2. This hymn praises the expanse of the Supreme Shiva with the wheel
as a metaphor to depict the various tattvas like the three fold time, the
Dvantvas that are created etc. It is all encompassing - vishva rUpa;
It is bound by one belt - the Dharma. God governs by the dharma.

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