Prayer of the Day
Prayer from Rig Veda
ऋषि : वासिष्ठॊ वृषगणः
दॆवता : पवमानः सॊम
छन्दस् : त्रिष्टुप्
प्र काव्य॑मु॒शनॆ॑व ब्रुवा॒णॊ दॆ॒वॊ दॆ॒वाना॒ं जनि॑मा विवक्ति ।
महि॑व्रत॒ः शुचि॑बन्धुः पाव॒कः प॒दा व॑रा॒हॊ अ॒भ्यॆ॑ति॒ रॆभ॑न् ॥ ९.९७.७ ॥
Mantra as Romanized text
RuShi : vAsiShThO vRuShagaNaH
Aspect Hailed: pavamAnaH sOma
Chandas : triShTup
pra kAvyamushanEva bruvANO dEvO dEvAnAM janimA vivakti |
mahivrataH shuchibandhuH pAvakaH padA varAhO abhyEti rEbhan || 9.97.7 ||
(pra kAvyam ushana iva bruvANO dEvO dEvAnAM janimA vivakti |
mahivrataH shuchibandhuH pAvakaH padA varAhO abhyEti rEbhan || )
Meaning of the Prayer Mantra:
Like the sage Ushana, the poetic composition is told, explaining the
divine creation. The Soma juice, having great power and associated with brilliance,
gets to the vessels, making a roar like boar with its foot.
1. bruvANaH - tell; vivakti - declares; mahivrataH - having great power;
shuchibandhuH - having a brilliant relative; pAvaka - pure; abhyEti - approaches;
rEbhan - resounding.
2. As the seers chant the praises, the Soma juice for the Yaga is poured
into the vessels. This hymnb hails that.