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Supremacy of God Rudra never goes away

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Rig Veda

स्थि॒रॆभि॒रङ्गैः पु॒रुरूप॑ उ॒ग्रॊ ब॒भ्रुः शु॒क्रॆभिः॑ पिपिशॆ॒ हिर॑ण्यैः ।
ईशा॑नाद॒स्य भुव॑नस्य॒ भूरॆ॒र्नवा उ॑यॊषद्रु॒द्राद॑सुर्य॑म् ॥ २.३३.९ ॥

Mantra as Romanized text


sthirEbhira~ggaiH pururUpa ugrO babhruH shukrEbhiH pipishE hiraNyaiH |
IshAnAdasya bhuvanasya bhUrErnavaa uyOShadrudrAdasuryam || 2.33.9 ||

(sthirEbhir a~ggaiH pururUpa ugrO babhruH shukrEbhiH pipishE hiraNyaiH |
IshAnAd asya bhuvanasya bhUrEr navaa uyOShad rudrAd asuryam || )


Meaning of the Prayer Mantra:

 With strong limbs, Omnipresent, Powerful, Fire-like, Bright, Adorned with gold,
being the Supreme of this whole world, 
the Supreme power of Lord Rudra never goes away!


1. ouru - everywhere; ugra - powerful; babhruH - fire-like color;
shukra - bright / white; hiraNya - gold; vai - to be deprived; 
asurya - divinity/power.
2.  pururUpa
Omnipresent. One of the key characteristics of God.
3. navaa uyOShad rudrAd asuryam 
The Supreme God Shiva has been the Supreme so far and would
ever be the Supreme. There will never be a change of the Supremacy.
That Lord is the Lord of everyone, hence called - Devadeva or Mahadeva.
That Lord is the owner/master of this whole universe/all of us, hence called Ishana.
c.f. வீடல் ஆல வாயிலாய் - சம்பந்தர்


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