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Salutations to God

Prayer of the Day

Prayer in Sanskrit 


वन्दे शम्भुमुमापतिं सुरगुरुं वन्दे जगत्कारणम् ।
वन्दे पन्नगभूशणम् मृगधरं वन्दे पशूनां पतिम् ।
वन्दे सूर्य-शशाङ्क-वह्नि नयनं वन्द्गे मुकुन्दप्रियम् ।
वन्दे भक्तजनाश्रयञ्च वरदं वन्दे शिवं शङ्करम् ॥

Shloka as Romanized text


vande shambhumumApatiM suraguruM vande jagatkAraNam |
vande pannagabhUshaNam mRugadharaM vande pashUnAM patim |
vande sUrya-shashA~gka-vahni nayanaM vandge mukundapriyam |
vande bhaktajanAshraya~jca varadaM vande shivaM sha~gkaram ||

Meaning of the Prayer Song:

Salutations to the Lord of uma, the Guru of divines!
Salutations to the Cause of the world!
Salutations to One, Who is ornaed with serpants, Who holds the deer!
Salutations to the Lord of pashus (souls) !
Salutations to One, Who has sun, moon and fire as three eyes!
Salutations to the beloved One of mukunda (Krishna)!
Salutations to the One is the refuge of devotees and Benefactor!
Salutations to the shiva (Auspicious), shankara (Meritorious)!!


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