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Pristine Examination of Vedas Prayer from Shruti Sukti Mala of Haradattacharya

prayer from Shruti Sukti Mala of Haradattacharya

Prayer of the Day

Prayer in Sanskrit 

वॆदॆषु वा तदनुयायिषु वा विचार्य
    तन्त्रॆषु वाक्यमखिलं प्रतिपादकन्तॆ ।
तात्पर्यसङ्ग्रहमहं विदधॆ महॆश
    मह्यं प्रसीद नय मामृजुना पथा त्वम् ॥ २ ॥

Shloka as Romanized text


vEdEShu vA tadanuyAyiShu vA vichArya
    tantrEShu vAkyamakhilaM pratipAdakantE |
tAtparyasa~ggrahamahaM vidadhE mahEsha
    mahyaM prasIda naya mAmRujunA pathA tvam || 2 ||

(vEdEShu vA tat anuyAyiShu vA vichArya
    tantrEShu vAkyam akhilaM pratipAdakam tE |
tAtparya sa~ggraham ahaM vidadhE mahEsha
    mahyaM prasIda naya mAm RujunA pathA tvam ||)

Meaning of the Prayer Song:

 Examining all Your sayings in vedas, those that followed the vedas - the tantras,
I am establishing this concise purport.
Oh Mahesha! Be pleased with me! Make me go in the straight forward path!


1. anuyAyiShu - that follows; pratipAdaka - deriving; Ruju - straight.

2. In this shloka, Haradatta makes his approach for this shruti sukti mala clear.
His primary objects to query are - vedas, vedic scripture like upanishads, brahmanas
and the associated applications (tantra). He does not deviate from these core scripture
through this work. 

It is a very laudable pristine approach. 

3.  naya mAm RujunA pathA tvam 
Haradatta prays in this song to the Lord Maheshwara that his thoughts be
guided in the straight forward way. This is to avoid any aberration from the intent
of the source scripture - the vedas. 

c.f. अग्नॆ नय सुपथा रायॆ अस्मान् विश्वानि दॆव वयुनानि विद्वान् ।
युयॊध्यस्मज्जुहुराणमॆनो भूयिष्ठं तॆ नम उक्तिं विधॆम ॥  - Ishavasya Upanishad
See Also:
1. ஹரதத்த சிவாச்சாரியார்

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