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Prayer to have fulfilled material and spiritual life

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Rig Veda

इ॒दं पि॒त्रे म॒रुता॑मुच्यते॒ वचः॑ स्वा॒दोः स्वादी॑यो रु॒द्राय॒ वर्ध॑नम् ।
रास्वा॑ च नो अमृत मर्त॒भोज॑नं॒ त्मने॑ तो॒काय॒ तन॑याय मृळ ॥ १-११४-६ ॥

Mantra as Romanized text


idaM pitre marutAmuchyate vachaH svAdoH svAdIyo rudrAya vardhanam |
rAsvA cha no amRuta martabhojanaM tmane tokAya tanayAya mRuLa || 1-114-6 ||

(idaM pitre marutAm uchyate vachaH svAdoH svAdIyo rudrAya vardhanam |
rAsvA cha no amRuta martabhojanaM tmane tokAya tanayAya mRuLa ||)


Meaning of the Prayer Mantra:

 With the sweeter than sweet words, thus, the Father of maruts (father of healing elements),
the Rudra is hailed in increasing way. Indeed, Bless us and our infants and children with
immortal food as well as mortal food, bestowing pleasure!


1. uchyate - told; svAd - sweet; vardhanam - growing; rAsva - give; 
amRuta - immortal food; marta bhojanam - mortal food; tmane - indeed;
toka - infant; tanaya - children; mRuLa - please.

2. vachaH svAdoH svAdIyo rudrAya vardhanam 
Praise of God should emanate form the heart and should flow like
widening river - sweet, pleasing and enjoyable.
c.f. சங்கை ஒன்றும் இன்றியே தலைநாள் கடைநாள் ஒக்கவே

3. amRuta martabhojanaM 
Vedas pray for a fulfilled life from both material and spiritual perspective.
In deed that is why the four purusharthas, which are the essense of the
vedic wisdom, have Dharma Artha and Kama apart from Moksha.
This vedic prayer invokes God to provide the immortal Bliss,
which is the ultimate goal of the journey of the soul,
and also provide the mortal food so that even the journey is also
enjoyable and pleasant.

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