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Pray the Bounteous God. He will bless you with enormous wealth!

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Rig Veda

ऋषि    :    काण्वः प्रस्कण्वः
दॆवता    :    इन्द्रः
छन्दस्    :    प्रगाथः

अ॒भि प्र वः॑ सु॒राध॑स॒मिन्द्र॑मर्च॒ यथा॑ वि॒दॆ ।
यॊ ज॑रि॒तृभ्यॊ॑ म॒घवा॑ पुरू॒वसुः॑ स॒हस्रॆ॑णॆव॒ शिक्ष॑ति ॥ ८.४९.१ ॥


Mantra as Romanized text

RuShi    :    KanvaH praskanva
Aspect Hailed:    Indra
Chandas    :    Pragatha


abhi pra vaH surAdhasamindramarcha yathA vidE |
yO jaritRubhyO maghavA purUvasuH sahasrENEva shikShati || 8.49.1 ||

( abhi pra vaH surAdhasam indram archa yathA vidE |
yO jaritRubhyO maghavA purUvasuH sahasrENa iva shikShati ||   )


Meaning of the Prayer Mantra:

 Worship pleasantly the Conquering God granting prosperity,
realizing that Bounteous God having vivid treasures gives 
thousandfold to the worshipper.


1. surAdhasa - granting good gifts; prArcha - worship; jaritRu - worshipper;
maghava - bounteous; purUvasuH - abounding in riches; shikSha - give.

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