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Lord Shiva is the Essence of Vedas Prayer from Shruti Sukti Mala of Haradattacharya

Prayer of the Day

Prayer in Sanskrit 

यस्मै नमो भवति यस्य गुणाः समग्राः
   नारायणोपनिषदा यदुपासनोक्ता ।
यो नः प्रचोदयति बुद्धिमधिक्रतौ यः
   तं त्वामनन्यगतिरीश्वर संश्रयामि॥ १ ॥

Shloka as Romanized text


yasmai namo bhavati yasya guNAH samagrAH
   nArAyaNopaniShadA yadupAsanoktA |
yo naH prachodayati buddhimadhikratau yaH
   taM tvAmananyagatirIshvara saMshrayAmi || 1 ||

(yasmai namo bhavati yasya guNAH samagrAH
   nArAyaNopaniShadA yat upAsanA uktA |
yo naH prachodayati buddhim adhi kratau yaH
   taM tvAm ananyagatir Ishvara saMshrayAmi ||)

Meaning of the Prayer Song:

 One, for Whom namaskarams are told,
in Whom qualities are in their completeness,
Whose worship is told in the Narayanopanishad,
Who kindles our intellect,
Who is the Supreme for the worship,
that is You, oh Ishvara!
Without any other sanctuary, 
I take refuge in You!



1. samagrAH - complete; uktA - told; prachOdayati - kindles;
adhi - supreme; kratu - worship; saMshraya - take refuge in.

2. Shruti Shukti Mala is a beautiful garland made by 
Sri Haradata Shivacharya, clarifying the essence of the 
Shruti or Vedas as Lord Shiva. 

3.  yasmai namo bhavati 
"For Whom the Namaskarams are told"

This is a brilliant start for the stotra. It gives the two meanings
One is the salutation of this composer to the Lord at the start of the poem.
Second is the fact that he establishes in this stotra that Lord Shiva
is the One worth of salutation!

Very interestingly, in the vedas the portion rich with "namah" is Rudram 
in Yajurveda. That is where the most holy mantra of the Lord "namaHshivAya"
is held in esteem.

4.  yasya guNAH samagrAH  
"In Whom the qualities are complete"

The completeness or Ishvaratvam (means having the complete aishvarya)
is the quality of Lord Shiva. That is why He is called the Ishvara even
in the common parlance.
c.f. குணக்குன்றே - சுந்தரர்

5.  yo naH prachodayati buddhim 
"One Who kindles the intellect"

Haradatta uses the vedic parlance as is in the stotra.
The celebrated Gayatri mantra praises the Supreme as the One Who kindles (yo naH prachodayAt)
That Lord Who is worshipped through Gayatri mantra is Lord Shiva.

6.  adhi kratau yaH 
"One Who is the Supreme of the worship"

kratu is in general worship and specifically the vedic worship - yagas etc.
Lord Shiva is the Supreme for the vedic worship.

7. The inflection of the word "yaH" (the various vibhaktis used) through
the song is a nice poetic expression.
See Also:
1. ஹரதத்த சிவாச்சாரியார்

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